Prez TRump has put not only his political career but also the destiny of the USA at great risk by his cowardly & frivolous behaviour  
Umar Khalid may not get justice soon without political party to enforce secularism / rule of law and question partition, treachery to IoA of J&K. By Hem Raj Jain

No doubt the suffering and hardship Umar Khalid is undergoing due to jail without trial [under draconian law (for any democracy) like ‘Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act’ the UAPA] can trigger hopelessness in such situation but the situation is not that bad in India as is said by many or even apprehended by Umar Khalid in his published reply to Rohit Kumar’s letter because otherwise he and his mother wouldn’t have got space in prestigious and respected Indian media like ‘The Wire’ (as - and ) which means that all Indians are still not dead about their conscience & moral and things can be set-right if Umar Khalid himself does the following:-
(1)- First of all Umar should know as he himself said - “[The only thing I find succor in in such moments is the realization that none of this is personal. That my persecution and isolation is symbolic of something larger – the persecution and isolation of Muslims in India right now]” - that he has been associated with issues which are profoundly political and his biggest mistake is to dabble in these political issues without having a political party worth the name.
(2)- Umar’s lesser problem is that he is a Muslims and associated with the student union of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and associated with movement against CAA-NRC / NPR, which are not such a great crime because there are many such people who are not so persecuted in the Modi regime. What is most damaging in Umar’s case is that he [portrayed by Hindutva forces as a member of so-called tukde-tukde (breaking J&K in pieces) gang] and in a popular perception BJP / Hindutva forces has succeeded in branding him as the advocate of 'azadi' (freedom rather separation from India) of J&K.
(3)- Therefore in view of above mentioned, Umar may get justice soon (and every justice loving person hopes & prays for it) but the reality is the fact that he can’t come out of this mess unless joins some member-based political party (existing or new) which will enforce secularism / rule of law (which only will remove his disadvantage being a Muslim) and will question partition, and treachery by India to IoA of J&K (which only will rid India of communal poison born out of partition of India on communal lines), as mentioned below.
(4)- Umar’s mother (in above video) seems to be banking on the removal of the Modi government in the 2024 election which may bring opposition parties including Congress (which are not so communal though may not be fully secular), in power which will solve the problems of Umar. This is not a practical & wise hope due to two reasons (i)- PM Modi may not lose the 2024 election and (ii)- Opposition parties also created and maintained such draconian laws especially against Muslims.
(5)- The main problem is as Umar himself said -”[It makes me take a step forth and ask is it simply a case of people being misled – waylaid by propaganda? Or do people, deep down, want to believe in these lies because it caters to some of their subconscious prejudices? Lots of people far more privileged than me who were together in this fight against fascism, in the today choose to remain silent when I am singled out for these lies]”. This problem has to do with simple fact that Umar is also a Muslim and this problem will go away only when some member-based party is there in India (as mentioned at and ). Because Congress is not interested in this member-based political party which only can realize the said objectives, Umar can try this through his friends and colleagues and in this endeavor his mother can help a lot (as she in above video seems to be courageous and inspired by idealism). As far as said draconian laws are concerned only such-member based party will remove theses from the statute.
(6)- It should not be difficult for Umar (and his mother) to get this member-based party launched as presently the situation is ripe for it because (i)- About 15 % Muslim population of India is again agitated also due to what is happening about Gyanvapi-masjid case (ii)- The condition of about 25 % population, the SC, ST of India is still far from satisfactory (iii)- Two third of India is wholly or partly dependent on agriculture income and farmers are still agitating (iv)- The considerable population of India wants genuine secularism and are dissatisfied not only with declared communal party BJP (the follower of Savarkar’s 'Hindu Rashtra') but with other so-called secular parties too.
(7)- Once this new member-based political party takes up the issues [of Babri-masjid (as, dual citizenship to 160 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims (and their descendants) who were illegally and forcibly displaced during partition, recovery of Rs 1,000 Trillion income tax, plebiscite in J&K and Balochistan, realization of mini-SAARC - 2 as mentioned above], Umar Khalid will soon start seeing the improvement in the difficult situation he (and even most of India rather Indian subcontinent) is presently facing.
It is hoped Omar Khalid will make best use of his experience of going to jail under draconian law by endeavoring (to realize the lofty ideals as his mother credits him with) by working for a member-based political party (existing or new) for realizing the objectives, as mentioned above. and ) which means that all Indians are still not dead about their conscience & moral and things can be set-right if Umar Khalid himself does the following:-
(1)- First of all Umar should know as he himself said - “[The only thing I find succor in in such moments is the realization that none of this is personal. That my persecution and isolation is symbolic of something larger – the persecution and isolation of Muslims in India right now]” - that he has been associated with issues which are profoundly political and his biggest mistake is to dabble in these political issues without having a political party worth the name.
(2)- Umar’s lesser problem is that he is a Muslims and associated with the student union of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and associated with movement against CAA-NRC / NPR, which are not such a great crime because there are many such people who are not so persecuted in the Modi regime. What is most damaging in Umar’s case is that he [portrayed by Hindutva forces as a member of so-called tukde-tukde (breaking J&K in pieces) gang] and in a popular perception BJP / Hindutva forces has succeeded in branding him as the advocate of 'azadi' (freedom rather separation from India) of J&K.
(3)- Therefore in view of above mentioned, Umar may get justice soon (and every justice loving person hopes & prays for it) but the reality is the fact that he can’t come out of this mess unless joins some member-based political party (existing or new) which will enforce secularism / rule of law (which only will remove his disadvantage being a Muslim) and will question partition, and treachery by India to IoA of J&K (which only will rid India of communal poison born out of partition of India on communal lines), as mentioned below.
(4)- Umar’s mother (in above video) seems to be banking on the removal of the Modi government in the 2024 election which may bring opposition parties including Congress (which are not so communal though may not be fully secular), in power which will solve the problems of Umar. This is not a practical & wise hope due to two reasons (i)- PM Modi may not lose the 2024 election and (ii)- Opposition parties also created and maintained such draconian laws especially against Muslims.
(5)- The main problem is as Umar himself said -”[It makes me take a step forth and ask is it simply a case of people being misled – waylaid by propaganda? Or do people, deep down, want to believe in these lies because it caters to some of their subconscious prejudices? Lots of people far more privileged than me who were together in this fight against fascism, in the today choose to remain silent when I am singled out for these lies]”. This problem has to do with simple fact that Umar is also a Muslim and this problem will go away only when some member-based party is there in India (as mentioned at and ). Because Congress is not interested in this member-based political party which only can realize the said objectives, Umar can try this through his friends and colleagues and in this endeavor his mother can help a lot (as she in above video seems to be courageous and inspired by idealism). As far as said draconian laws are concerned only such-member based party will remove theses from the statute.
(6)- It should not be difficult for Umar (and his mother) to get this member-based party launched as presently the situation is ripe for it because (i)- About 15 % Muslim population of India is again agitated also due to what is happening about Gyanvapi-masjid case (ii)- The condition of about 25 % population, the SC, ST of India is still far from satisfactory (iii)- Two third of India is wholly or partly dependent on agriculture income and farmers are still agitating (iv)- The considerable population of India wants genuine secularism and are dissatisfied not only with declared communal party BJP (the follower of Savarkar’s 'Hindu Rashtra') but with other so-called secular parties too.
(7)- Once this new member-based political party takes up the issues [of Babri-masjid (as, dual citizenship to 160 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims (and their descendants) who were illegally and forcibly displaced during partition, recovery of Rs 1,000 Trillion income tax, plebiscite in J&K and Balochistan, realization of mini-SAARC - 2 as mentioned above], Umar Khalid will soon start seeing the improvement in the difficult situation he (and even most of India rather Indian subcontinent) is presently facing.
It is hoped Omar Khalid will make best use of his experience of going to jail under draconian law by endeavoring (to realize the lofty ideals as his mother credits him with) by working for a member-based political party (existing or new) for realizing the objectives, as mentioned above.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.