The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
SAARC region still doesn’t have secular culture hence Indian Muslims can’t get justice in Hindu majority India without undoing partition. By Hem Raj Jain

For undoing partition (which will change Muslims to Hindu ratio from 1: 6 to 1: 2) the Indian Muslims will have to use three means (i)- The writ petitions in SCI (ii)- By NGO for protecting human rights of so-called Dalits (iii)- By NGO to get LEMSP for farmers.
The Government of India (GoI) on Wednesday put a five-year ban on the Islamic organization the ‘Popular Front of India’ (PFI) and all of its alleged 8 affiliates. The GOI through a NOTIFICATION (as reported at ) declared as unlawful associations, the PFI and its associated or affiliates or fronts including Rehab India Foundation, Campus Front of India, All India Imams Council, National Confederation of Human Rights Organization, National Women's Front, Junior Front, Empower India Foundation and Rehab Foundation, Kerala. As per Tamil Nadu PFI chief, the PFI will legally challenge the allegedly 'illegal and undemocratic' ban as reported at . The PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates may succeed in the SCI because:-
(i)- Under Article 19 (c) of the Constitution they have the fundamental right to form associations or unions or co-operative societies.
(ii)- They reportedly will plead that if any individual breaks the law or commits any crime the individual can be prosecuted and dealt with as per the provisions of law but to ban an entire organization on flimsy and unsubstantiated grounds is unjustified, undemocratic and unconstitutional.
(iii)- They also reportedly want to raise the matter of discrimination in the SCI by saying - “[Recently, we have witnessed many fringe and radical groups (of Hindus) openly indulging in hate-mongering and calling for violence. These groups are operating with impunity and no action is being taken against them whatsoever. Hence, the ban appears selective, discriminatory, and biased]”. This argument is constitutionally tenable because:-
(A)- As per Article 13 of the Constitution the Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights, be void and as per Article 13 (3) In this article, unless the context otherwise requires,— (a) “law” includes any Ordinance, order, bye-law, rule, regulation, NOTIFICATION, custom or usage having in the territory of India the force of law.
(B)- As per Article 14 of the Constitution. Equality before law —The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.
(iv)- The chances of success for the PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates will increase immensely if they make their Registrars also the respondent in this writ petitions. Because these Registrars were supposed to take annual returns / reports from these organizations with reasonable details of their activities hence the allegation by the GoI against these organizations regarding various crimes and terrorist activities, couldn’t have gone unnoticed by these Registrars.
But even if the PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates succeed in the SCI in getting this ban (imposed by the GoI) lifted, the problems of Indian Muslims will not be solved unless they work for undoing India’s partition as mentioned below:-
(1)- First and foremost the PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates in particular and Indian Muslims in general will have to understand as to why the religious leaders of Islam supported the GoI about this ban on them. The GoI took the opinion of country’s biggest Muslim organizations including those representing Deobandi, Barelvi and Sufi sects of Islam. All these organizations were equivocal in their opinion that PFI was following an Wahhabi-Salafi agenda of pan-Islamist organizations with their extremist campaign to exploit the communal fault-lines in India, as reported at
(2)- Indian Muslims should know the main reason behind such bizarre behavior of their clergy who doesn’t seem to understand that when Islam is followed in 57 countries naturally Islam in India will be influenced also by Islam in other countries. In the contemporary world only those people / countries are doing better who are advanced in modern science and technology which needs a free mind which is possible only in secular democracies. Any body who knows any thing about Quran knows that Islam is the only major religion which suits modern science & technology because it worships the abstract and Islam is the only religion which is commensurate with democracy because it keeps the State under the influence of the people (through religion).
(3)- Despite so, the Muslims are weeping & bleeding profusely in millions from Myanmar to NAME region for the simple reason that the clergy of Islam has not updated itself (due to lack of creativity on its part) and instead of relying on the basic preaching of Quran (which is the real message of prophet Muhammad) they are depending more on ‘Hadis’ which are mostly out-dated. That is why the clergy & other leaders of Islam all over the world is harping more on other-worldy matters ‘like Allah ko pyari hai Qurbani’ (Allah loves martyrdom) etc than this-worldy matters without understanding that there is no short cut. A religion is nothing if it is not the custodian of the CONTEMPORARY values of the society. Therefore Indian Muslims by keeping their clergy with them should be insistent that the clergy updates itself.
(4)- The second most important problem the Indian Muslims should remember is the partition of India. Volumes have been written as to how the partition has harmed the Indian Muslims. Despite about a 1: over 6 ratio of Muslims to Hindus and that too in communal India, if Indian Muslims think that their lives & living condition will improve in due course of time then they are living in a make believe world. Therefore they should endeavor to undo the partition of India which is very easy as mentioned below.
(5)- Indian Muslims should understand that without filing these 6 writ petitions in SCI (as mentioned at ) the Indian Muslims can’t expect any relief in other matters too. The Afghans also should be motivated to take interest in establishing secular democracy in Afghanistan by realizing mini-SAARC -2 by relying on ‘2011 Indo- Afghan strategic agreement’ generally as mentioned at ).
(6)- Once the issues of Babri-masjid, dual citizenship to 160 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, plebiscite in J&K and Balochistan, are raked in the SCI by Indians (especially Muslims) and also the realization of mini-SAARC - 2 then no one can stop the undoing of partition and reunification of India because this region (which has lagged behind mainly due to communal poison) desperately needs it. Incidentally the present situation is ripe for it in India because:-
(a)- About 15 % Muslim population of India is again agitated also (in addition to what they have been facing during last 8 years of Modi / Hindutva rule) due to what is happening about Gyanvapi-masjid case
(b)- The social & economic condition of about 25 % of the population, the SC, ST of India is still far from satisfactory including cases of atrocities on them. The ‘National Crime Records Bureau’ data has reportedly revealed that 70,818 cases of atrocities against Dalits are pending investigation till 2021.
( c)- Two third of India is wholly or partly dependent on agriculture income and farmers (who have committed suicides in hundreds of thousand out of financial problems) are still agitating
(d)- The considerable population of India wants genuine secularism and are dissatisfied not only with the declared communal party the BJP (the follower of Savarkar’s 'Hindu Rashtra') but with other so-called secular parties too.
(7)- Later on Hindu majority India can get temples (in place of masjids) not only at Ayodhya but at Kashi and Mathura too (which is the main demand of Hindus) through legislation by Parliament (which the BJP can easily do due to its present numbers in Parliament). It does not require a genius of political science to understand that the fallout of the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-masjid by Supreme Court (due to said petition by Indian Muslims) will be so momentous that nothing less than undoing of partition will be able to normalize the situation in India and by implication in entire mini-SAARC - 2 region.
(8)- The Indian Muslims should not think of launching their political party in the initial stage rather should first increase their support base in India by taking support of so-called Dalits and of farmers as given below :-
(A)- A NGO should be launched by Indian Muslims with a suitable name (maybe) ‘Human Rights Organization for Oppressed’ (HROO). The HROO will have at least one office in every District of India (may be more if needed) where Dalits can go in person and contact its office bearer also on hotline by phone / mobile. The HROO should try to move the Union government and all the State / UT governments to create a special cell in Schedule Caste & Schedule Tribe Commissions (National & of States) and in police which will have hot-line where HROO will be able to register complain of atrocity happening to any Dalit especially which requires urgent police help.
(B)- As no political party or farmer's organization is working for it, the Indian Muslims should work for recovering Rs. 1,000 Trillion income tax (about 45 % of over 2,200 Lakh crore) from about one million fake farmers. This huge-State capital can easily be used for ‘Legally Enforceable Minimum Support Price’ (LEMSP) for 40 items by dharnas (sit-ins) at all the Tehsil / Taluka headquarters as mentioned at and ).
(9)- When all over the world in secular democracies the ‘secular’ political leaders are found to be incapable of solving the problems of economically & socially humble people, whether global Islam will be able to provide leadership to entire world (not like in Iran where Ayatollah has taken the country backward) is to be seen. Presently the situation is ripe for global Islam if tries to bring mini-SAARC -2 region (of united India & Afghanistan) under genuine secular democracy because in due course of time the majority of Hindu order [the reservation castes namely many backward castes (majority of farmers) and the SC / ST the so-called ‘Dalits’ who respectively are second and third class citizens of Hindu order] are bound to convert to egalitarian Islam (out of free choice by exercising their fundamental right of freedom of religion).
Once India is reunified (through mini-SAARC - 2) and Muslims to Hindu ratio becomes about 1:2, the problems of Indian Muslims will automatically be solved.
The Government of India (GoI) on Wednesday put a five-year ban on the Islamic organization the ‘Popular Front of India’ (PFI) and all of its alleged 8 affiliates. The GOI through a NOTIFICATION (as reported at ) declared as unlawful associations, the PFI and its associated or affiliates or fronts including Rehab India Foundation, Campus Front of India, All India Imams Council, National Confederation of Human Rights Organization, National Women's Front, Junior Front, Empower India Foundation and Rehab Foundation, Kerala. As per Tamil Nadu PFI chief, the PFI will legally challenge the allegedly 'illegal and undemocratic' ban as reported at . The PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates may succeed in the SCI because:-
(i)- Under Article 19 (c) of the Constitution they have the fundamental right to form associations or unions or co-operative societies.
(ii)- They reportedly will plead that if any individual breaks the law or commits any crime the individual can be prosecuted and dealt with as per the provisions of law but to ban an entire organization on flimsy and unsubstantiated grounds is unjustified, undemocratic and unconstitutional.
(iii)- They also reportedly want to raise the matter of discrimination in the SCI by saying - “[Recently, we have witnessed many fringe and radical groups (of Hindus) openly indulging in hate-mongering and calling for violence. These groups are operating with impunity and no action is being taken against them whatsoever. Hence, the ban appears selective, discriminatory, and biased]”. This argument is constitutionally tenable because:-
(A)- As per Article 13 of the Constitution the Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights, be void and as per Article 13 (3) In this article, unless the context otherwise requires,— (a) “law” includes any Ordinance, order, bye-law, rule, regulation, NOTIFICATION, custom or usage having in the territory of India the force of law.
(B)- As per Article 14 of the Constitution. Equality before law —The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.
(iv)- The chances of success for the PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates will increase immensely if they make their Registrars also the respondent in this writ petitions. Because these Registrars were supposed to take annual returns / reports from these organizations with reasonable details of their activities hence the allegation by the GoI against these organizations regarding various crimes and terrorist activities, couldn’t have gone unnoticed by these Registrars.
But even if the PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates succeed in the SCI in getting this ban (imposed by the GoI) lifted, the problems of Indian Muslims will not be solved unless they work for undoing India’s partition as mentioned below:-
(1)- First and foremost the PFI and its 8 alleged affiliates in particular and Indian Muslims in general will have to understand as to why the religious leaders of Islam supported the GoI about this ban on them. The GoI took the opinion of country’s biggest Muslim organizations including those representing Deobandi, Barelvi and Sufi sects of Islam. All these organizations were equivocal in their opinion that PFI was following an Wahhabi-Salafi agenda of pan-Islamist organizations with their extremist campaign to exploit the communal fault-lines in India, as reported at
(2)- Indian Muslims should know the main reason behind such bizarre behavior of their clergy who doesn’t seem to understand that when Islam is followed in 57 countries naturally Islam in India will be influenced also by Islam in other countries. In the contemporary world only those people / countries are doing better who are advanced in modern science and technology which needs a free mind which is possible only in secular democracies. Any body who knows any thing about Quran knows that Islam is the only major religion which suits modern science & technology because it worships the abstract and Islam is the only religion which is commensurate with democracy because it keeps the State under the influence of the people (through religion).
(3)- Despite so, the Muslims are weeping & bleeding profusely in millions from Myanmar to NAME region for the simple reason that the clergy of Islam has not updated itself (due to lack of creativity on its part) and instead of relying on the basic preaching of Quran (which is the real message of prophet Muhammad) they are depending more on ‘Hadis’ which are mostly out-dated. That is why the clergy & other leaders of Islam all over the world is harping more on other-worldy matters ‘like Allah ko pyari hai Qurbani’ (Allah loves martyrdom) etc than this-worldy matters without understanding that there is no short cut. A religion is nothing if it is not the custodian of the CONTEMPORARY values of the society. Therefore Indian Muslims by keeping their clergy with them should be insistent that the clergy updates itself.
(4)- The second most important problem the Indian Muslims should remember is the partition of India. Volumes have been written as to how the partition has harmed the Indian Muslims. Despite about a 1: over 6 ratio of Muslims to Hindus and that too in communal India, if Indian Muslims think that their lives & living condition will improve in due course of time then they are living in a make believe world. Therefore they should endeavor to undo the partition of India which is very easy as mentioned below.
(5)- Indian Muslims should understand that without filing these 6 writ petitions in SCI (as mentioned at ) the Indian Muslims can’t expect any relief in other matters too. The Afghans also should be motivated to take interest in establishing secular democracy in Afghanistan by realizing mini-SAARC -2 by relying on ‘2011 Indo- Afghan strategic agreement’ generally as mentioned at ).
(6)- Once the issues of Babri-masjid, dual citizenship to 160 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, plebiscite in J&K and Balochistan, are raked in the SCI by Indians (especially Muslims) and also the realization of mini-SAARC - 2 then no one can stop the undoing of partition and reunification of India because this region (which has lagged behind mainly due to communal poison) desperately needs it. Incidentally the present situation is ripe for it in India because:-
(a)- About 15 % Muslim population of India is again agitated also (in addition to what they have been facing during last 8 years of Modi / Hindutva rule) due to what is happening about Gyanvapi-masjid case
(b)- The social & economic condition of about 25 % of the population, the SC, ST of India is still far from satisfactory including cases of atrocities on them. The ‘National Crime Records Bureau’ data has reportedly revealed that 70,818 cases of atrocities against Dalits are pending investigation till 2021.
( c)- Two third of India is wholly or partly dependent on agriculture income and farmers (who have committed suicides in hundreds of thousand out of financial problems) are still agitating
(d)- The considerable population of India wants genuine secularism and are dissatisfied not only with the declared communal party the BJP (the follower of Savarkar’s 'Hindu Rashtra') but with other so-called secular parties too.
(7)- Later on Hindu majority India can get temples (in place of masjids) not only at Ayodhya but at Kashi and Mathura too (which is the main demand of Hindus) through legislation by Parliament (which the BJP can easily do due to its present numbers in Parliament). It does not require a genius of political science to understand that the fallout of the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-masjid by Supreme Court (due to said petition by Indian Muslims) will be so momentous that nothing less than undoing of partition will be able to normalize the situation in India and by implication in entire mini-SAARC - 2 region.
(8)- The Indian Muslims should not think of launching their political party in the initial stage rather should first increase their support base in India by taking support of so-called Dalits and of farmers as given below :-
(A)- A NGO should be launched by Indian Muslims with a suitable name (maybe) ‘Human Rights Organization for Oppressed’ (HROO). The HROO will have at least one office in every District of India (may be more if needed) where Dalits can go in person and contact its office bearer also on hotline by phone / mobile. The HROO should try to move the Union government and all the State / UT governments to create a special cell in Schedule Caste & Schedule Tribe Commissions (National & of States) and in police which will have hot-line where HROO will be able to register complain of atrocity happening to any Dalit especially which requires urgent police help.
(B)- As no political party or farmer's organization is working for it, the Indian Muslims should work for recovering Rs. 1,000 Trillion income tax (about 45 % of over 2,200 Lakh crore) from about one million fake farmers. This huge-State capital can easily be used for ‘Legally Enforceable Minimum Support Price’ (LEMSP) for 40 items by dharnas (sit-ins) at all the Tehsil / Taluka headquarters as mentioned at and ).
(9)- When all over the world in secular democracies the ‘secular’ political leaders are found to be incapable of solving the problems of economically & socially humble people, whether global Islam will be able to provide leadership to entire world (not like in Iran where Ayatollah has taken the country backward) is to be seen. Presently the situation is ripe for global Islam if tries to bring mini-SAARC -2 region (of united India & Afghanistan) under genuine secular democracy because in due course of time the majority of Hindu order [the reservation castes namely many backward castes (majority of farmers) and the SC / ST the so-called ‘Dalits’ who respectively are second and third class citizens of Hindu order] are bound to convert to egalitarian Islam (out of free choice by exercising their fundamental right of freedom of religion).
Once India is reunified (through mini-SAARC - 2) and Muslims to Hindu ratio becomes about 1:2, the problems of Indian Muslims will automatically be solved.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.