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Western Christian world bites the dust in Ukraine. Nobody expected US-boots on ground but by not ensuring military resources to UKraine Prez BIden is paving the way for Russian victory in Ukraine. By Hem Raj Jain

Americans only hope Prez BIden doesn’t succeed in totally demolishing the global respect & clout of the USA during remaining one year of his tenure in White House.
It is a matter of time that Putin achieves resounding victory in UKraine war (as reported at which has made every American to hang his / her head in shame and in anxiety because it is feared that Prez BIden may succeed in totally demolishing the global clout of the USA (which will harm the interests of the USA) during remaining at least one more year of his tenure in White House because Biden doesn’t understand the basic issues namely religion involved in Ukraine war. .
Religion doesn’t become irrelevant even in secular democracies rather in contemporary world too, religion is the custodian of the values of the society hence when head of the orthodox Russian Church supported Putin over Ukraine war (as reported at ) in which NATO has been supporting UKraine Prez BIden should have known that it is a fight to finish war between Western Christianity (Protestant and Catholic denominations of Christianity being practiced in NATO Countries) against Eastern orthodox Russian Christianity and it will require much more than traditional strategy to ensure the victory of UKraine led by Zelensky (who in any case is unconcerned about suffering of UKrainians as mentioned at ) against Russia led by determined & well focussed Putin.
Prez BIden has made fundamental mistakes about Ukraine war. Russia has vast resources vis-a-vis UKraine but that is not a big problem . Nobody expected US-boots on ground but Prez Biden should have ensured (which he didn’t) that UKraine gets adequate military supplies from NATO. Moreover what & how much these military supplies are needed shouldn’t have been left by BIden to Zelensky and instead Biden should have ensured a military General to be provided to UKraine by NATO (which has better infrastructure like satellite & other intelligence etc) who would requisition what & how much and where military supplies are to be provided by NATO to UKraine. In addition to this BIden committed a big mistake rather betrayal when he diverted the military supply meant for UKraine to Israel in the Gaza war (as mentioned at under pressure of rich Jewish lobby in the USA which has a stranglehold over Prez Biden.
This diversion of military supplies to Israel is all the more condemnable because Israel is carrying out unnecessary war. When BIden says that a ‘two State solution’ is the only solution (as reported at ) then why the USA with Prez Biden in White House is not going for it. Especially when it will not require any military pressure on Israel to achieve it because Israel will listen to whatever the USA asks it to do because Israel can’t survive for a single day without military support of the USA. But Prez Biden has chosen to pursue dual policy of running with hares hunting with hounds (as mentioned at ).
Fortunately for the Americans still there is time if Prez Biden wants to restore the global reputation and clout of the USA if he (i)- INstead of cowardly leaving the burden of winning UKraine war on incompetent Zelensky Prez Biden himself take this burden by ensuring the said military General of the NATO who will advise what & how much and where military supplies are to be provided by NATO to Ukraine. (ii)- As far as boots on ground UKraine can also engage mercenary forces (as Russia is doing where Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov has been fighting in UKraine on the side of Putin / RUssia). If NATO Provides money to UKraine then UKraine can also hire such mercenary forces and (ii)- Commission & persuade US-Christianity (which otherwise is not interested in the mission of spreading the message of love & peace of Jesus Christ in rest of the world) to become global religion starting from extended SAARC / India (as mentioned at ) which will assist US-establishment in launching “new human rights friendly rule based participatory global order” because the existing order of the UN (which was sponsored by the USA after world War-II ) has been demolished by Russia with the help of China through Ukraine war and this new global order will take the wind out of the sails of Sino-Russia alliance.
IT is expected that Prez Biden will understand that he is in the White House as an elected representative of the US-citizens who abhor / hate defeat especially in well contested war between States proper. Hence now at least Prez Biden should try seriously to retrieve the situation in Ukraine ( by taking measures as mentioned above) to bring victory to the forces of UKraine supported by NATO which is led by the USA
It is a matter of time that Putin achieves resounding victory in UKraine war (as reported at which has made every American to hang his / her head in shame and in anxiety because it is feared that Prez BIden may succeed in totally demolishing the global clout of the USA (which will harm the interests of the USA) during remaining at least one more year of his tenure in White House because Biden doesn’t understand the basic issues namely religion involved in Ukraine war. .
Religion doesn’t become irrelevant even in secular democracies rather in contemporary world too, religion is the custodian of the values of the society hence when head of the orthodox Russian Church supported Putin over Ukraine war (as reported at ) in which NATO has been supporting UKraine Prez BIden should have known that it is a fight to finish war between Western Christianity (Protestant and Catholic denominations of Christianity being practiced in NATO Countries) against Eastern orthodox Russian Christianity and it will require much more than traditional strategy to ensure the victory of UKraine led by Zelensky (who in any case is unconcerned about suffering of UKrainians as mentioned at ) against Russia led by determined & well focussed Putin.
Prez BIden has made fundamental mistakes about Ukraine war. Russia has vast resources vis-a-vis UKraine but that is not a big problem . Nobody expected US-boots on ground but Prez Biden should have ensured (which he didn’t) that UKraine gets adequate military supplies from NATO. Moreover what & how much these military supplies are needed shouldn’t have been left by BIden to Zelensky and instead Biden should have ensured a military General to be provided to UKraine by NATO (which has better infrastructure like satellite & other intelligence etc) who would requisition what & how much and where military supplies are to be provided by NATO to UKraine. In addition to this BIden committed a big mistake rather betrayal when he diverted the military supply meant for UKraine to Israel in the Gaza war (as mentioned at under pressure of rich Jewish lobby in the USA which has a stranglehold over Prez Biden.
This diversion of military supplies to Israel is all the more condemnable because Israel is carrying out unnecessary war. When BIden says that a ‘two State solution’ is the only solution (as reported at ) then why the USA with Prez Biden in White House is not going for it. Especially when it will not require any military pressure on Israel to achieve it because Israel will listen to whatever the USA asks it to do because Israel can’t survive for a single day without military support of the USA. But Prez Biden has chosen to pursue dual policy of running with hares hunting with hounds (as mentioned at ).
Fortunately for the Americans still there is time if Prez Biden wants to restore the global reputation and clout of the USA if he (i)- INstead of cowardly leaving the burden of winning UKraine war on incompetent Zelensky Prez Biden himself take this burden by ensuring the said military General of the NATO who will advise what & how much and where military supplies are to be provided by NATO to Ukraine. (ii)- As far as boots on ground UKraine can also engage mercenary forces (as Russia is doing where Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov has been fighting in UKraine on the side of Putin / RUssia). If NATO Provides money to UKraine then UKraine can also hire such mercenary forces and (ii)- Commission & persuade US-Christianity (which otherwise is not interested in the mission of spreading the message of love & peace of Jesus Christ in rest of the world) to become global religion starting from extended SAARC / India (as mentioned at ) which will assist US-establishment in launching “new human rights friendly rule based participatory global order” because the existing order of the UN (which was sponsored by the USA after world War-II ) has been demolished by Russia with the help of China through Ukraine war and this new global order will take the wind out of the sails of Sino-Russia alliance.
IT is expected that Prez Biden will understand that he is in the White House as an elected representative of the US-citizens who abhor / hate defeat especially in well contested war between States proper. Hence now at least Prez Biden should try seriously to retrieve the situation in Ukraine ( by taking measures as mentioned above) to bring victory to the forces of UKraine supported by NATO which is led by the USA
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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.