Imagine Walking on Water. By A Christian Columnist, Karen Duffy


I remember a church pool party with lots of little kids swimming, screaming and laughing. The aroma of hot dogs and hamburgers filled the air and tables of delicious food assured me of some good eating but playing in the pool was all I could think about.

Holding on to the side of the pool, I found myself in the deep end where I knew I shouldn’t be. I felt brave and grown up and my parents were at the other end of the pool and couldn’t see what I was doing.

The sunlight looked beautiful under the water but all of a sudden I struggled to find the edge of the pool and I remember thinking, “I’m going to drown, help me!” I panicked and began thrashing violently in the water as images became cloudy and far away. All of a sudden a hand grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to the surface and a voice said, “Are you stupid or somethin? I’m gonna tell your mom. You know you’re not allowed in the deep end of the pool!” My girlfriend Davida, an excellent swimmer, saved my life that day and I am forever grateful. I could have drowned but an observant friend reached out and saved me.

Not long after that happened, I attended a Sunday school class and learned about Jesus walking on a lake in the midst of a storm. When the disciples saw him they were afraid and thought they saw a ghost but Jesus said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Disciple Simon Peter said, “Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water,” Jesus said, “Come,” and Peter walked on the water and came toward Jesus. Peter began to sink when he looked away at the high winds and he was afraid. He called out to Jesus, “Lord save me,” and Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, (Matthew 14: 25-33).

I sat in class and thought about the day I almost drowned in a pool, and how my friend saved me. My mind focused on the wonder of it all; what it would be like to walk on water like Jesus and Peter. I didn’t fully understand about faith and miracles but I believed in Jesus.

Peter trusted Jesus and had great faith. He had so much faith that when Jesus said, “Come,” he obeyed. Peter doubted for a moment when he looked at the raging storm beneath his feet, but his faith in Jesus was stronger than his fear.

The fact is: Jesus didn’t ask Peter to walk on water, Peter boldly asked Jesus, “Tell me to come to you on the water.”

What is God calling us to do through faith in His Son Jesus Christ? Imagine what we can accomplish in our lives if we have faith to walk on the obstacles in our way. Don’t let the storms in life cause you to sink. You can have great faith like Peter when you stop treading water and trust God to save you from doubt that holds you back.

Think about how many times have you cried out to God in despair only to be rescued by the compassionate Father who loves you so much? How many times have you been pushed to the limit and Jesus comforted your broken heart?

Hold on to the powerful hand that saves you. Jesus will help you.

Open thee eyes of our heart Lord!

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