By issuing perfunctory & toothless statements like on Kejariwal’s arrest the Biden administration unnecessarily invited the snub and insult on the USA from India. By Hem Raj Jain


The USA got the snub from India because despite being leader of the free world which sponsored the UN in 1945 the USA (i)- never understood that human rights are not an internal matter of any UN-member-country and (ii)- Never tried to develop a mechanism of the UN which will provide effective relief to the beleaguered & needy people in UN- member countries (2)-  THe USA is nothing without “American Exceptionalism” (3)- IF the USA is really interested in enforcing human rights in UN-member countries then should launch “Human-Rights-Friendly-New- Rule-Based-Participatory-Global-Order” (HRFNRBPGO). (4)-  Existing global order of the UN is demolished by Ukraine war hence the need for HRFNRBPGO (5)- Whether the US-establishment  likes it or not it can't launch a new global order without taking help from US-Christianity which will have to  endeavor to become a global religion.   

The Ministry of External Affairs of India  snubbed the USA by issuing a statement where it said, "[We take strong objection to the remarks of the Spokesperson of the US State Department about certain legal proceedings in India. In diplomacy, states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. This responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracies. It could otherwise end up setting unhealthy precedents, India’s legal processes are based on an independent judiciary which is committed to objective and timely outcomes. Casting aspersions on that is unwarranted,]" as reported at .

The politicians of the USA (especially the incumbents of White House and Capitol Hill) shouldn’t forget that “American exceptionalism is the belief that the United States of America is a unique and even morally superior country for historical, ideological, or religious reasons. This concept suggests that America has a special role in leading and shaping the world”.

Every patriotic citizen of the USA will feel humiliated & insulted over this snubbing of the USA by India and will expect (especially in this US- General election year of 2024) that the politicians of the USA Who are aspiring to be the incumbents of the White House and Capitol HIll (US- Congress) should understand that if not for their personal honor and respect at least for the honor and respect of the USA they should understand that the USA is nothing if it doesn’t follow ‘exceptionalism’ which makes the USA The leader of free world and which gives the USA a right to intervene through the UN even in the so-called internal matters of those UN-member countries which violate human rights of their people with impunity to the perpetrators. 

The said humiliation and snub it faced at the hands of India because the USA  never understood that human rights are not an internal matter of any UN-member-country hence never tried to develop a mechanism of the UN which  provides effective relief to the beleaguered & needy people in UN- member countries. With the result in 1984 thousands of innocent Sikhs were massacred for days in India’s capital Delhi but The USA through the UN didn’t / couldn’t do anything to provide timely effective relief to victims  similarly in nineties the hundreds of thousands of Hindu Kashmiri Pandits [who were forcibly expelled mainly  in nineties (by global militant Jihadis who got free from Afghanistan after end of cold war - I and by Pakistan supported separatists)  from their native land of Kashmir valley] have still not been rehabilitated (even after more than 4 years of abolition of Article 370 and converting the State of J&K Into Union territory in August 2019) by India in their native place in the valley from where they were forcibly displaced.  but The USA through the UN didn’t / couldn’t do and is still not doing anything to provide timely effective relief and present relief (about their rehabilitation) to these victims  similarly in 2002 thousands of innocent Muslims were massacred for days in Gujarat  but The USA through the UN didn’t / couldn’t do anything to provide timely effective relief to victims similarly in 2008  hundreds of innocent Christians  were massacred and thousands were injured for days in Kandhamal, in Odisha State of India  but The USA through the UN didn’t / couldn’t do anything to provide timely effective relief to victims. In other region too the USA never bothered about human rights of hundreds of thousands of Palestenians who were displaced by force by US-ally Israel from their native land and these Palestinians are still not rehabilitated in their native land. And this list goes on and on.   

IF the USA is really interested in enforcing human rights in UN-member countries then it should launch “Human-Rights-Friendly-New- Rule-Based-Participatory-Global-Order” (HRFNRBPGO). Moreover whether the US-establishment  likes it or not it can't launch a new global order without taking help from US-Christianity which will have to  endeavor to become a global religion as mentioned at

THerefore if not for their personal honor and respect at least for the honor and respect of the USA the aspirants for the White House and Capitol Hill (especially in this US- General election year of 2024) should understand that the USA is nothing if it doesn’t follow ‘exceptionalism’ which legitimately makes the USA the leader of free world and which gives the USA a right to intervene through the US sponsored global order even in the so-called internal matters of those UN-member countries which violate human rights of their people with impunity to the perpetrators.

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