During the oath taking ceremony of Prez Trump three matters were highlighted namely domestic, NATO related and Israel. By Hem Raj Jain


(i)- Prez TRump will have to be careful about NATO and the “Right to Return” of Palestinians (ii)-  Prez Trump ought to appreciate  the importance of the USA as leader of new rule based global order which can be launched by using US-Christianity as global religion

During the oath taking ceremony of Prez Trump ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS-JeYb2ED0 ) three matters were mentioned / highlighted by Prez Trump and others which have immense implications for not only the USA but for rest of the world too, as given below:-

(1)- During this ceremony Prez Trump announced many policy decisions (including executive orders) which he would carry-out immediately which are related to the domestic affairs of the USA including illegal immigrants (though without explaining why it couldn’t be done during his first presidency) , drill baby drill, national emergency, freedom, government efficiency, stoppage of political persecution etc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwooLuyuC6o ). These all are okay rather mostly desirable as far as the basic interests / rights of the Americans (including economy & rule-of-law in the USA) are concerned.  

(2)- In the run-up to this oath taking ceremony Prez Elect Trump had been talking in the air about many international issues which have potential of remodelling the global order but ultimately  Prez Trump came on ground and has realized that whatever clout the USA has enjoyed globally post world War - II has mainly been due to the reason that the USA has been the leader of NATO hence could use the formidable military power of NATO in support of its policies across the world especially where military power was needed. Therefore Prez TRump seems to have realized that the USA / Prez Trump may erroneously think that it is so powerful that it can do whatever it wants to but the fact of the matter is that the USA is practically nothing without NATO (under its influence)  that is the reason Prez Trump during this ceremony talked about Mexico Gulf and even Panama canal but couldn't dare to talk about Greenland / Denmark, Canada (Both NATO Countries) and about stopping Ukraine war in 24 hours [ in which NATO provided military help to Ukraine during last about three years hence European members of NATO can’t tolerate Russia keeping all or most of the territories which it has snatched from UKraine militarily which will happen if Trump’s idea of stopping Ukraine war in 24 Hours is implemented). Prez Trump knows that these three NATO related matters if pursued by him the way he boasted (through his statements before oath taking ceremony as https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-take-canada-greenland-panama-canal-rcna186591 ) then European members of NATO will profoundly oppose it and will even distance from the USA and that will be end of Trump’s  power  projection in global affairs. This is the reason Prez Trump didn’t mention the said three NATO related matters in his inauguration speech. It is good for the USA that Prez TRump is no more talking in air and instead has now come on ground about matters related to NATO [because presently the European countries are in trouble, domestically too, and are not that powerful hence some in the USA may naively think that it doesn’t matter even if the European countries are distanced from the USA but if these distanced & technologically quite-advanced European countries join the club with China & Russia then it will be a big problem (of every kind) for the USA]. 

(3)- The third matter which was mentioned during this oath taking ceremony was Israel. Though it was not mentioned by Prez TRump himself but by a Rabbi the clergy of Judaism as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h43urak5mU   (who couldn’t have said so without prior approval / condonation of Prez Trump) where he hoped and prayed that Trump-administration will solve the problems of Israel and by implication of the Middle East. But this is the matter which Prez TRump will have to be careful about during the 4 years of his present presidency. Prez TRump by his actions during his previous presidency (including by shifting US-embassy to Jerusalem without enforcing right to return of Palestinians, refusing to consider Israeli settlement in the West Bank as illegal https://time.com/5732752/israeli-settlements-trump-administration/ etc ) has shown that for the reasons best known to him only he is a blind supporter of Jewish position on Israel and doesn’t bother about the human rights of the palestinians who are entitled to return to their native land (through one State solution and not through mischievous / meaningless two State solution as mentioned at https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4352 ) in consonance with right to return.  In other words if Prez Trump continues to support theocratic Israel and to turn blind eyes to the sufferings and gross injustice to Palestinians then whatever he may think about the military might of the USA (and about the support of some gulf countries to his policies of Abrahmic accord etc) but it will be impossible for him to obediently implement the oppressive Jewish agenda in Middle-East. Moreover it is difficult for the Americans to understand how it is the responsibility of the Christian majority secular democratic USA to protect the theocratic Jewish Israel which is not willing to give  democratic rights to all the Palestinians (who have the right to return). 

(4)- Every American supports and no American  would mind / object if Prez Trump tries for MAGA ( Make America Great Again) but what is highly objectionable is that Prez Trump so far has not said a single word about what are the factors (list of betrayals of Americanism) which are responsible for the USA allegedly losing its greatness and how he envisages to rectify those by restoring which of the lost American values.

THe USA ought to understand that it derived immense benefit post world war-II because it sponsored and led the global order of the UN (which is now demolished mainly due to UKraine war). Hence  It is hoped Prez TRump would respect American exceptionalism  by appreciating  the importance of the USA as leader of new rule based global order which can be launched by using US-Christianity as global religion as https://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/opinion-details/4521 and would not harm the basic and vital American interests by pursuing isolationist policies in the name of undefined-MAGA

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