The Palestinians instead of getting wasted in martyrdom syndrome should take mercy at least on their long suffering old people, women an
If Prez Trump fails to launch a new rule-based global order with the help of US - Christianity, Global Islam by India. By Hem Raj Jain

When the US-Christianity is not taking interest in becoming a global religion to help the US-establishment in launching a new global order, the second largest religion Islam can / should do it to save the human beings from total elimination from this planet earth.
Even if the European Union (EU) decides to deploy its military in Greeland against US- military as reported at ) the military of the EU alone can’t stop the military of the USA under its supreme commander Prez Trump (if the USA decides to take Greenland militarily) that is why Danish leader is going round to search for the military allies as which may not materialize up to the expectations of Danish leader but if the Sino-Russia alliance (having also Iran, North Korea etc in it) provides highly likely military support to the EU in this matter (as NATO provided to UKraine against Russia in UKraine war) then the war will be full fledged and all-out catastrophic nuclear World War - III which will eliminate the entire mankind (homo sapiens) from the face of this planet earth. Therefore when the US-Christianity is not interested in launching a new global order as mentioned at the second largest religion Islam can / should do it to save the human beings from total elimination from this earth. Moreover it is the moral responsibility of every person to encourage & help Global Islam to discharge this responsibility (of saving the mankind from the said catastrophic nuclear World War- III) by establishing a “new human rights friendly rule based global order” which it can do without much difficulty in 13 steps as mentioned below :-
(1)- The prominent religious leader of Indian Muslims should contact a Muslim family in India which has its member in the USA and this Indian American Muslim (who must be a member of the IAMC and if not then should immediately become) should be asked to contact the office bearers of the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) to work for the establishment of the much needed ‘GLobal Islamic order.’ through the NGIO. [In new global order of the NGIO no country shall have veto power and every country shall have voting right in its Security council commensurate with its contribution of men including military, money and material including military and its record of human rights nationally and internationally. Moreover the NGIO shall have elaborate mechanism for enforcing human rights of the people through the mechanism of Global HUman Rights commission at NGIO, National and State Human rights Commission in every member country, International court of Justice and and provision of even military intervention by the NGIO in erring member countries to protect the human rights of the people also by replacing optional protocol OP-1 with mandatory protocol MP-1 of ICCPR]
(2)- IAMC should ask prominent Muslim leaders in India to constitute the Apex religious body of Muslims in INdia (ARBMI) and should also work to ensure a body of 21 members (from important Muslim countries) of the Apex religious body of Global Islam (ARBGI) with its office either in Mecca or in Medina and a training centre to train clergy for local Aalmi-masjids in India / SECAFIC to be trained by this ARBGI.
(3)- THe ARBGI should also make a condensed book (in Arabic and its translation in local languages) of Quran and other religious texts of Islam which is recitable in maximum 10 minutes and which can be kept by every Muslim as handbook (of basic belief system of Islam) as a guide for day to day life of Muslim Ummah all across the world.
(4)_ THe ARBGI should ensure that non-Mslims are also allowed to visit and pray in Mecca and Medina for which Does and Don’t can be prescribed for such non-Muslims by the ARBGI.
(5)_ THE ARBGI, the IAMC and the ARBMI should work for launching new rule based global order by establishing a new word body (In place of the UN) may be with name “the Nations of Global Islamic order” (the NGIO) and “the South, Eastern Central Asia Federation of Islamic Cooperation” (the SECAFIC having more than half of global Muslim population). Where membership of the NGIO WIll be available to only those countries who are based or want to be based on Democracy, secularism and socialism . The SECAFIC will be mini-model of the NGIO and will have 19 countries in it with considerable Muslim population or important for the security of SECAFIC (8 countries of existing SAARC and Myanmar, Tibet, united J&K, XInjiang, the countries of East Asia Malaysia, Indonesia and countries of Central Asia Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan). THe SECAFIC will assimilate these 19 countries in it even militarily (preferably with the military help of the NGIO as ) if a considerable number of people of these countries demand so through their leaders or their government in exile having support base of considerable number of people in these willing countries.
(6)_ THe ARBGI, the ARBMI should work (i)- For developing the Muslims of the 19 countries of the SECAFIC to work for the success of the GLObal Islamic order of the NGIO and (ii)- For educating the global Muslim Ummah that Muslims in tens of millions (including Palestinians who like other displaced Muslims are in urgent need of rehabilitation though ’One State Solution’ commensurate with ‘right to return’ of every Palestinian and not through mischievous & meaningless ‘Two State solution’) are weeping and bleeding profusely from Myanmar ( the Rohingyas ) to NAME Region but they will get relief and justice only when Muslims have respectable global military power because this is the lesson from the history of Islam [ Muslims of Mecca were harassed and persecuted by Quresh even during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) but those Muslims got relief only when Quresh could not win militarily in war against Muslims of Medina [who were taken to Medina by the Prophet (PBUH) Himself] in three battles namely of Badr, Uhud and Trenches (Khandaq) rather Muslims of Medina came out with flying colors in all these battles against Quresh which not only ensured peace for those Muslims of Medina but after this Islam also spread rapidly in Arab world . Hence the lesson - “without respectable military power there is no enduring peace and justice for present day Muslims too”. ]
(7)- The ARBGI and ARBI Should construct about 6,100 new 'small Aalmi masjids' [the 'small Global-masjids' starting from one in every Tehsil of India with cost of about Rs. 5 million per such masjid having the said local clergy in it (trained by ARBGI In Mecca or Medina) ) out of money by Indian Muslims who will get it by way of remittances from Indian Muslims working in petro-dollar rich Muslim Gulf countries. THe ARBGI can also try to construct such Almi-masjids in every county (andd in their cities) of the USA.
(8)- Because no global order can be established without the USA hence in order to rope-in the US-establishment (The White House, Capitol Hill etc through people’s representatives) in the service of establishing new rule based global Islamic order the ARBGI and the IAMC Should launch a political party in the USA may be with name - "The non-violent JIhad Party of America" (the NVJPA with its territorial-office bearers with office at every level in the USA ) based on democracy, secularism and socialism ( which is nothing but profitable deployment of State-capital too in the interest of Welfare-State) and a mainstream media to assist the NVJPA should also be launched in the USA.
(9)- In order to achieve the welfare-State of the USA, the NVJPA SHould demand and work for (i)- Government housing on rent for every needy American (ii)- Contributory medical insurance (along with elaborate infrastructure of government hospitals & clinics al across the USA) and pension for every employee in the USA in which contribution in both will be made by employee, employer and government (iii)- Also free education for every student up to 12th standard and then educational recoverable loan to any needy student for higher education in colleges and universities (iv)- Mandatory minimum wages to every one all across the USA to enable the people to sustain in such welfare-State of the USA.
(10)- In the interest of stopping unbridled-usury the ARBGI, IAMC and NVJPA Should demand and work for launching global Islamic currency with proper asset back-up of precious metal with its central bank at new global body with its office in the USA and its branches in every member country of the new global body. NVJPA should also work for removing Income tax and for replacing it with Consumption tax in the USA.
(11)- Because the aspirants and incumbents of White House and Capitol Hill are nowadays no more afraid of indulging in acts of commission & omission which even constitute crimes of treason which is evident from the fact that all the four the then US Presidents (namely Bush Jr., Obama, Trump and Biden) could get away even after committing the crime of treason by their acts of commission and omission ( as mentioned at ) and a case as mentioned at FAMILIES OF AMERICANS KILLED AND INJURED BY AL-QAEDA AND TALIBAN TERRORISTS, INCLUDING 115 GOLD STAR FAMILIES, SUE DEUTSCHE BANK, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, DANSKE BANK, AND TWO MONEY REMITTERS FOR …) . THerefore the NVJPA, IAMC and ARBGI should take interest in motivating the family members [of the US-soldiers killed & seriously injured in Afghanistan by terrorists with the arms and ammunitions purchased by money through drug trafficking which was condoned and not stopped (though it could be) by the then US-administrations ) to file criminal case of treason against all the 4 former US Presidents (the supreme commander of armed forces of the USA] instead of merely the said civil case in New York against bankers etc.
(12)- THe ARBGI and the IAMC should ask the ARBMI to ensure the following:-
(i)- A political party may be with name - "The non-violent JIhad Party of India" [the NVJPI with its territorial-office bearers with office at every level (Local, Tehsil / Taluka, District, Division, State, REgion, and National) in India ] should be launched and a mainstream media to assist the NVJPI should also be launched in India.
(ii)- ARBGI Should ensure (through Indian Muslims and members of the NVJPI) the following petitions in the Supreme Court of INdia (SCI):-
(A)- About Babri masjid and about new SIT regarding 2002 massacre of Innocent Muslims in Gujarat as mentioned at
(B)- For recovery of Rs 1,000 Trillion income tax (If sit-in at all Tehsil headquarters by NVJPI doesn't succeed in this endeavor) from about one million fake farmers as mentioned at and .
(C )- to forfeit the public debts which are beyond the security of consolidated funds of the governments as these are in violation of the Articles 292 & 293 of the Constitution of India and using this huge State capital in the interest of the welfare State of India.
(13)- THe ARBGI & NVJPI Should ensure sit-ins (Dharna) at every Tehsil / Taluka headquarter for legislating Legally Enforceable MSP (LEMSP) for about 40 farm products and for ensuring it through elaborate PDS (Public Distribution System) to be established with State capital of Rs 1,000 Trillion which will be recovered as income tax from about 1 million fake farmers.The NVJPI should also demand and work for urgent national caste-census and for reservation in services in governments and in public sector for economically deprived section (to be found by this national caste census of the polity irrespective of caste,creed, sex and religion).
It is hoped that Global Islam will rise to the occasion in the interest of establishing urgently needed Global Islamic order through “new human rights friendly rule based global order" of the NGIO as mentioned above so that mankind can be saved from total extinction by otherwise impending catastrophic nuclear world war - III.
Even if the European Union (EU) decides to deploy its military in Greeland against US- military as reported at ) the military of the EU alone can’t stop the military of the USA under its supreme commander Prez Trump (if the USA decides to take Greenland militarily) that is why Danish leader is going round to search for the military allies as which may not materialize up to the expectations of Danish leader but if the Sino-Russia alliance (having also Iran, North Korea etc in it) provides highly likely military support to the EU in this matter (as NATO provided to UKraine against Russia in UKraine war) then the war will be full fledged and all-out catastrophic nuclear World War - III which will eliminate the entire mankind (homo sapiens) from the face of this planet earth. Therefore when the US-Christianity is not interested in launching a new global order as mentioned at the second largest religion Islam can / should do it to save the human beings from total elimination from this earth. Moreover it is the moral responsibility of every person to encourage & help Global Islam to discharge this responsibility (of saving the mankind from the said catastrophic nuclear World War- III) by establishing a “new human rights friendly rule based global order” which it can do without much difficulty in 13 steps as mentioned below :-
(1)- The prominent religious leader of Indian Muslims should contact a Muslim family in India which has its member in the USA and this Indian American Muslim (who must be a member of the IAMC and if not then should immediately become) should be asked to contact the office bearers of the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) to work for the establishment of the much needed ‘GLobal Islamic order.’ through the NGIO. [In new global order of the NGIO no country shall have veto power and every country shall have voting right in its Security council commensurate with its contribution of men including military, money and material including military and its record of human rights nationally and internationally. Moreover the NGIO shall have elaborate mechanism for enforcing human rights of the people through the mechanism of Global HUman Rights commission at NGIO, National and State Human rights Commission in every member country, International court of Justice and and provision of even military intervention by the NGIO in erring member countries to protect the human rights of the people also by replacing optional protocol OP-1 with mandatory protocol MP-1 of ICCPR]
(2)- IAMC should ask prominent Muslim leaders in India to constitute the Apex religious body of Muslims in INdia (ARBMI) and should also work to ensure a body of 21 members (from important Muslim countries) of the Apex religious body of Global Islam (ARBGI) with its office either in Mecca or in Medina and a training centre to train clergy for local Aalmi-masjids in India / SECAFIC to be trained by this ARBGI.
(3)- THe ARBGI should also make a condensed book (in Arabic and its translation in local languages) of Quran and other religious texts of Islam which is recitable in maximum 10 minutes and which can be kept by every Muslim as handbook (of basic belief system of Islam) as a guide for day to day life of Muslim Ummah all across the world.
(4)_ THe ARBGI should ensure that non-Mslims are also allowed to visit and pray in Mecca and Medina for which Does and Don’t can be prescribed for such non-Muslims by the ARBGI.
(5)_ THE ARBGI, the IAMC and the ARBMI should work for launching new rule based global order by establishing a new word body (In place of the UN) may be with name “the Nations of Global Islamic order” (the NGIO) and “the South, Eastern Central Asia Federation of Islamic Cooperation” (the SECAFIC having more than half of global Muslim population). Where membership of the NGIO WIll be available to only those countries who are based or want to be based on Democracy, secularism and socialism . The SECAFIC will be mini-model of the NGIO and will have 19 countries in it with considerable Muslim population or important for the security of SECAFIC (8 countries of existing SAARC and Myanmar, Tibet, united J&K, XInjiang, the countries of East Asia Malaysia, Indonesia and countries of Central Asia Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan). THe SECAFIC will assimilate these 19 countries in it even militarily (preferably with the military help of the NGIO as ) if a considerable number of people of these countries demand so through their leaders or their government in exile having support base of considerable number of people in these willing countries.
(6)_ THe ARBGI, the ARBMI should work (i)- For developing the Muslims of the 19 countries of the SECAFIC to work for the success of the GLObal Islamic order of the NGIO and (ii)- For educating the global Muslim Ummah that Muslims in tens of millions (including Palestinians who like other displaced Muslims are in urgent need of rehabilitation though ’One State Solution’ commensurate with ‘right to return’ of every Palestinian and not through mischievous & meaningless ‘Two State solution’) are weeping and bleeding profusely from Myanmar ( the Rohingyas ) to NAME Region but they will get relief and justice only when Muslims have respectable global military power because this is the lesson from the history of Islam [ Muslims of Mecca were harassed and persecuted by Quresh even during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) but those Muslims got relief only when Quresh could not win militarily in war against Muslims of Medina [who were taken to Medina by the Prophet (PBUH) Himself] in three battles namely of Badr, Uhud and Trenches (Khandaq) rather Muslims of Medina came out with flying colors in all these battles against Quresh which not only ensured peace for those Muslims of Medina but after this Islam also spread rapidly in Arab world . Hence the lesson - “without respectable military power there is no enduring peace and justice for present day Muslims too”. ]
(7)- The ARBGI and ARBI Should construct about 6,100 new 'small Aalmi masjids' [the 'small Global-masjids' starting from one in every Tehsil of India with cost of about Rs. 5 million per such masjid having the said local clergy in it (trained by ARBGI In Mecca or Medina) ) out of money by Indian Muslims who will get it by way of remittances from Indian Muslims working in petro-dollar rich Muslim Gulf countries. THe ARBGI can also try to construct such Almi-masjids in every county (andd in their cities) of the USA.
(8)- Because no global order can be established without the USA hence in order to rope-in the US-establishment (The White House, Capitol Hill etc through people’s representatives) in the service of establishing new rule based global Islamic order the ARBGI and the IAMC Should launch a political party in the USA may be with name - "The non-violent JIhad Party of America" (the NVJPA with its territorial-office bearers with office at every level in the USA ) based on democracy, secularism and socialism ( which is nothing but profitable deployment of State-capital too in the interest of Welfare-State) and a mainstream media to assist the NVJPA should also be launched in the USA.
(9)- In order to achieve the welfare-State of the USA, the NVJPA SHould demand and work for (i)- Government housing on rent for every needy American (ii)- Contributory medical insurance (along with elaborate infrastructure of government hospitals & clinics al across the USA) and pension for every employee in the USA in which contribution in both will be made by employee, employer and government (iii)- Also free education for every student up to 12th standard and then educational recoverable loan to any needy student for higher education in colleges and universities (iv)- Mandatory minimum wages to every one all across the USA to enable the people to sustain in such welfare-State of the USA.
(10)- In the interest of stopping unbridled-usury the ARBGI, IAMC and NVJPA Should demand and work for launching global Islamic currency with proper asset back-up of precious metal with its central bank at new global body with its office in the USA and its branches in every member country of the new global body. NVJPA should also work for removing Income tax and for replacing it with Consumption tax in the USA.
(11)- Because the aspirants and incumbents of White House and Capitol Hill are nowadays no more afraid of indulging in acts of commission & omission which even constitute crimes of treason which is evident from the fact that all the four the then US Presidents (namely Bush Jr., Obama, Trump and Biden) could get away even after committing the crime of treason by their acts of commission and omission ( as mentioned at ) and a case as mentioned at FAMILIES OF AMERICANS KILLED AND INJURED BY AL-QAEDA AND TALIBAN TERRORISTS, INCLUDING 115 GOLD STAR FAMILIES, SUE DEUTSCHE BANK, STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, DANSKE BANK, AND TWO MONEY REMITTERS FOR …) . THerefore the NVJPA, IAMC and ARBGI should take interest in motivating the family members [of the US-soldiers killed & seriously injured in Afghanistan by terrorists with the arms and ammunitions purchased by money through drug trafficking which was condoned and not stopped (though it could be) by the then US-administrations ) to file criminal case of treason against all the 4 former US Presidents (the supreme commander of armed forces of the USA] instead of merely the said civil case in New York against bankers etc.
(12)- THe ARBGI and the IAMC should ask the ARBMI to ensure the following:-
(i)- A political party may be with name - "The non-violent JIhad Party of India" [the NVJPI with its territorial-office bearers with office at every level (Local, Tehsil / Taluka, District, Division, State, REgion, and National) in India ] should be launched and a mainstream media to assist the NVJPI should also be launched in India.
(ii)- ARBGI Should ensure (through Indian Muslims and members of the NVJPI) the following petitions in the Supreme Court of INdia (SCI):-
(A)- About Babri masjid and about new SIT regarding 2002 massacre of Innocent Muslims in Gujarat as mentioned at
(B)- For recovery of Rs 1,000 Trillion income tax (If sit-in at all Tehsil headquarters by NVJPI doesn't succeed in this endeavor) from about one million fake farmers as mentioned at and .
(C )- to forfeit the public debts which are beyond the security of consolidated funds of the governments as these are in violation of the Articles 292 & 293 of the Constitution of India and using this huge State capital in the interest of the welfare State of India.
(13)- THe ARBGI & NVJPI Should ensure sit-ins (Dharna) at every Tehsil / Taluka headquarter for legislating Legally Enforceable MSP (LEMSP) for about 40 farm products and for ensuring it through elaborate PDS (Public Distribution System) to be established with State capital of Rs 1,000 Trillion which will be recovered as income tax from about 1 million fake farmers.The NVJPI should also demand and work for urgent national caste-census and for reservation in services in governments and in public sector for economically deprived section (to be found by this national caste census of the polity irrespective of caste,creed, sex and religion).
It is hoped that Global Islam will rise to the occasion in the interest of establishing urgently needed Global Islamic order through “new human rights friendly rule based global order" of the NGIO as mentioned above so that mankind can be saved from total extinction by otherwise impending catastrophic nuclear world war - III.
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On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.