The Second Coming of Jesus.<br>By Angela Watkins. USA


I will be sharing Acts 1:9-11 that has on record Jesus Christ Ascension and HIS Second Coming. Luke was the writer/author of Acts. To my understanding Luke was known as a physician.

The good news of Jesus was and is to be shared, preached, spread to all Judea and Samaria (Acts 8:1-25), From African (Acts 8:26-40), From Asia "Saul of Tarsus" (Acts 9:1-31) Peter in Western Palestine, From Europe "cornelius of Italy (Acts 10:1-48) and The Judean Church mission was to the Gentiles (Acts 11:1-30).

Now, I would like to share Biblical Truths on Palestine: In Psalm 60:8 Palestine original name was Canaan and in Genesis 12:5 Palestine became known as Israel after the conquering. Jesus Second Coming will be visible and glorious. For many months John Ishamel has been sharing his sermons and ministry with me on the Second Coming of Jesus. John is one of my Intercessory Prayer Partners and I am sharing about his ministry and preaching on the second coming of Jesus Christ. I will be sharing more about John and his ministry in the future.

October 31, 2002 (By: John Ishmael)
Loving greetings to you in the name of our soon coming Savior.

The Lord has been good and He led us through another month of fruitful ministry. Thank you so much for your prayers for our ministry. Join with us in praising the Lord for His goodness in our ministry throughout the past month and continue to pray with us for the ministry and for our projects.

Ministry of God's Word: During this month I had a blessed and fruitful ministry in Himalayan hilly town of Shimla in north India. The entire state of Himachal Pradesh is located on the hills of Himalayas and Shimla is the capital of this state. Shimla was discovered by British more than 100 years ago and they made it their summer holiday town to escape the severe summer of northern India. Though the Christian influence has been in this town for the last 100 years through the British, Christianity has been very backward in this region. I preached in the second largest church of this town and the attendance on Sunday morning worship service was only 75 people! The largest church in this town has an average attendance of 100 people!

The people were tremendously blessed as they heard the message on the Second Coming of Christ. At the pastor's fellowship as I talked and discussed about the End Times, I was surprised to hear the remarks of the pastors! One pastor did not know what his denomination believes about the Second Coming of Jesus. It is because they never preached on this subject for the last many years in his church! What a sad state of affairs! Just imagine the condition of the congregation if the pastors themselves do not know anything about the Second Coming! Though I was encouraged that the people were blessed with the ministry of God's Word on Second Coming, I returned back to Bangalore with a heavy heart thinking about the condition of the pastors and the lay people. Please pray for these Christians who live on these hills.

Mission Project: For the last 12 years we have been reaching out to the unreached peoples in one of our mission fields. During these 12 years we baptized more than 60 people who came to the Lord from the non-Christian background. It was our plan to nurture these believers, build them up in their spiritual life, and hand them over to a nearby church to plant their church. But unfortunately the closest existing church is nearly 50 miles away. We repeatedly requested this church to take over our believers but they did not show any interest in doing so. So our missionary has been conducting the regular Sunday services and the mid week services for these believers. They regularly meet in our missionary's home every Sunday.

Our missionary's home being so small can accommodate only 25 people if they tightly squeeze in and sit on the floor inside his house. The rest of them have no option but to sit outside and take part in the service! Imagine the plight of these people who sit outside in the hot summer months and when it rains. Looking at this difficulty, we tried to rent a hall on Sunday but unfortunately there are no halls available in the village. We tried for a larger house to hold the services but no such houses are built in the villages. Looking at the circumstances we felt the only best thing to do is to purchase a piece of land and erect a small shed for worship. We found a suitable land for this purpose. The cost of this land is RS 95,000 (US$2000). We got into the agreement with the landlord paid an advance of RS 20,000 (US$450). Please pray for this project.

Religious Bill: Tamil Nadu state passed an anti-conversion bill, which came into effect. This bill says, if a person is converted from one religion to the other, the person responsible for the conversion has to pay a fine of RS 100, 000 and will be imprisoned for three months. Will the Lord's work suffer because of this Bill? From the history we see that the work of the Lord progressed more rapidly when such restrictions have been implemented. Please pray for everyone who is involved in the ministry in this particular state.

Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to uphold our ministry in your prayers especially about the mission project, which we have undertaken in faith. I close for now and hope to hear from you sometime.

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