From India To Pakistan. "Let us raise our voices but" by Pastor Justus Chandrabose, Kerala, India.


The ministry of John the Baptist was so unique. According to tradition the Priesthood lineage should be handed over to John the Baptist from his father Priest Zechariah. But the calling of John for ministry was not according to the tradition. God cho

John was inspired to leave his home and to be in the wilderness. According to human thinking this was really foolish. But the work and the deeds of God is beyond human imagination. God wanted John to spend sometime in wilderness. He left all he had and was left there all alone.
Wilderness is a place where you find isolated and lonely. You find no hope and no chance to sustain. There are even wild beasts [Mark 1:13]. So if a man is lost in the wilderness he can only wander till death. But John was there according to Gods plan. There he was equipped to be a unique man of God.

As it is written in Hosea 2:14 "Therefore, Behold, I will allure her, bring her to the wilderness, and speak kindly to her". When we look to the wilderness we see things vague but Gods plan and His divine touch is there. So in the wilderness there is Gods special plan. But He wants us to come leaving all that we have.

Once when Jacob sent all that the owned across the stream and was left alone at the side of river Jabbok. He wrestled with God leaving all that would be and obstacle in his effort. These days we need to cast away certain things of our life and start to wrestle with God in prayer and with much dedication. He was not ready to give up. He wanted a blessing from God. He did not care what he lost, but he cared for what he needed. The same view John the Baptist had. We read in [Luke 3:2] " the Word of God came to John in the wilderness". Unless we move to the stage of wilderness of our life we cannot hear the Word of God. Unless we leave all our busy life and spent some time in the presence of God we cannot be a Man of God who is according to Gods plan.

First of all we need to prepare our self by prayer, fasting and by worshipping. John was equipped in the wilderness for a great Mission. 'Prayer less man is a power less man, prayer full man is a power full man'. So we need to pray much. By leaving in wilderness he became bold and became a man of great courage.

He knew his calling and the task (VISION & MISSION) that God gave him.
These days we need to know for what we are called?
The calling of John was to prepare a way for Jesus, preach repentance and to raise his voice against injustice. In a way it means not only to break but also to build.
In these days let us understand why we are called for? What is the will of God in our life?
John the Baptist was ready for is risky task.

He was not a compromiser [Luke 3:7]. He called sinners as sinners. He did not try to please them instead tried to please the one who sent him. He called them brood of vipers because he was bold enough. He pointed out their sins and showed them how to be saved. He not only asked them to repent but also sustain in it by bearing fruits. [Luke 3:8].
He gave them a final warning to repent [Luke 3:9]. He said we are in grace period, so let us return to the Lord with cry.
He preached and taught them to practice [Luke 3:11-14]. He said to the tax collectors not to bribe. Faith and work should go together to be a Man of God. Faith without work is dead [James 2:26]. Preachers should practice what the preach.
He raised his voice against injustice. He did not respect sin. Instead John raised his voice against the immorality in the political world. He voiced that justice should be done. He did not fear to whom he was raising his voice. He respected Gods truth and the task. He knew what was the climax of his mission.

Many Christians run a race but do not finish the race. Some get caught up in worldly deeds, some in wealth, some in fame, some in feminine and lose their reward.
Paul, just before his death, announced that he had fought a good fight. Christian life is a Battle. We are in a Spiritual warfare [Ephesians 6:12] but we do not fight by flesh [I Corinthians 10:3-4]. The weapons of our ware fare are not carnal.
Not only he fights also he finish the course. Paul was so proud to finish the task. He had to face may problems in order to finish the course and he bore it for the Glory of Christ.
Moreover Paul kept the Faith. John knew his climax which was the shout against injustice. Many Christian forget to keep the faith. We are called with a purpose and for fulfilling the great task. Let us raise our voice against evil and in justice but we should be pure in our life. John was beheaded because of is great task.
Let me conclude with an illustration.
Napoleon had a custom looking at the battle from a high point. When he finds that he is winning, then he calls his Marshal Ney who was always near him, and points out to the other side of river where small farm home and small towns are there. Then he says to Ney "seize and hold it, I don't care what loses or we sustain in doing so. Hold it at any cost."
Christians should have the same view. John had it. We should not care what we lose but we should care what we win and over come it at any cost.
Jesus sacrificed His own life to win us. What can we offer in return for His glory?
So let us raise our voice against evil and injustice but let us have purity, Vision and Mission in our life. God Bless.
by Pastor Justus Chandrabose, Kerala, India.

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