
Answer to questions of Dr. Stephen Gill by Jonathan Samson, Melbourne, Australia

The news of Yousef Youhanna’s conversion to Islam has sparked a hot debate among Pakistani Christians all around the world. Many questions have been raised in order to find the reasons and the facts surrounding this event of great per potion. I am one of those Christians of Pakistani origin


Adil Gill comments on Mazdak,s article published in Dawn Karachi in August 13,2005

I feel Mazdak does injustice in the paragraph quoted below and some of what flows from it. A little reminder of history may also be helpful.
Mazdak wrote "For instance, while Jesus taught us to 'turn the other cheek' if slapped, the Old Testament encourages Jews, and later, Christians, to seek veng


Answer to Dr. Stephen Gill’s questions on Yousaf Yahona. By Bishop Timotheus Nasir

With due respect, I would like to answer Dr. Stephen Gill’s questions on apostasy of Yousaf Yahonan.

Question No. 1. Did they (Christianity community) pray to God, so that Yousaf Yahona could be selected to the cricket team?

Answer No 1. Yes, before Yousaf Yahona’s selection ever


God's Love Toward a Radical Muslim

I am no more than an ordinary man who has been spending life as if knowing nothing. I was born in a wealthy Muslim family in Pakistan, but when I was a few months old, I was carried to Saudi Arabia by my father. When I was about six, my mom passed away. As I grew older I had so many questions like a


Interfaith Harmony, why one sided? By Bishop T. Nasir

As a Pakistani national or/and subject, I am proud of my President General Pervez Musharraf’s speech at UN General Assembly on Interfaith co-operation., peace and harmony among all major religions in the world. I know my President’s moderate views on religious issues and his quest for


Ceasefire with Satan. By Bishop T Nasir “This article is written in view of Marilyn Hickey’s upcoming Crusade in Pakistan from 28th September to 1st October 2005”

It is written in The Holy Bible, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, aga


Police Tortures minority community in Hyderabad. Report by Sooba Bhatti

On 27th August 2005, a boy named Sunildas, s/o Chirandas, age 14 years, religion Hindu, residence H. No. 43 Muthidda Colony, Near Christian Colony Unit No. 10 Latifabad, Hyderabad, Sindh, was playing in front of his house. Suddenly two policemen came and begin to beat him. After a few minutes his el


An exclusive report by Sooba Bhatti on “Local Bodies Election 2005” in Hyderabad

On 25th August 2005 I Sooba Bhatti visited at Latifabad Hyderabad Polling Stations as observer on behalf of Election Commission of Pakistan.
At 8:00 a.m. I visited Tehsil Latifabad areas of UC 4 (Union Council) Polling Station No.1, 2 and 14,
UC5's PO (Polling Station) No.4 and Tehsil Qasimabad UC


UXBs. learn the history and teaching of Islam before conceding to the statements of “Peace” by Muslims. Bishop T. Nasir

“UXBs” are “UN Exploded Bombs”. This term is used for any “Bomb” that is dropped, any “Gun Shell” that is fired, any “Hand Grenade” that is thrown and any “Mine” that is laid and does not explode. During war these explosive devi



Look at your creation
that is on a higher level.
How its sweet melodies are repressed
by the strings of overmastering fear.
The buds of your orchard
inhale the odour of gunpowder.
Under the shades of swords
your children disintegrate
into the abyss of the culture
of emptiness.
The a


7/7 A Response, By Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo

The following article “7/7 A Response” was written by Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, and International Director of Barnabas Fund, in response to the terrorist bombings in London on 7th July 2005. A shorter version of the article w


UXBs. learn the history and teaching of Islam before conceding to the statements of “Peace” by Muslims. Bishop T. Nasir

“UXBs” are “UN Exploded Bombs”. This term is used for any “Bomb” that is dropped, any “Gun Shell” that is fired, any “Hand Grenade” that is thrown and any “Mine” that is laid and does not explode. During war these explosive devi


The Legal Position of Women in Islam Qur'anic Passages of Legal Importance Concerning Women in Islam

in which the corresponding passages appear in the Qur’an â€" the holy book of the Muslims. However this document presents the subject using the reverse order of the Qur'anic passages. In general, the last recorded revelations received by Muhammad are at the beginning of the Qur'an and the


Chain Mail by Chevalier Lehman Smith “Honoring strength through faith”

In attendance were 125 other teens and children along with parents and counselors, who bonded together proudly calling themselves “Gods Army”.
Finishing up to what turned out to be a successful Bible Camp, Roy along with the other teenagers were left in the camp with a few parents whil


We Shall Prevail...Or Will We? By Ali Sina

"We shall prevail and they shall not," was the reassuring statement read by the shaken British Prime Minster Tony Blair, flanked by fellow G-8 leaders in response to four terrorist attacks against civilians in London, July 7, 2005, that killed at least 50 people and injured 700. Among them, at least

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com