Whoever talks to a Muslim soon recognizes that he considers our faith in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as an unforgivable sin. The Islamic creed stresses that there can be no God except Allah! Anyone who associates a Son or a Holy Spirit with the Creator is considered to be an enemy of
It’s certainly not easy to bring communities to a point where they talk about similarities and not the differences. The path is hard, people are rigid and resources limited but I’m hopeful enough to dream that our children will see a new sun rising tomorrow. I hope for the day when no
to a point where they talk about similarities and not the differences. The path is hard, people are rigid and resources limited but I’m hopeful enough to dream that our children will see a new sun rising tomorrow. I hope for the day when no one will be taken his right to live in the name of r
, races, traditions and religions. Some four thousand years ago, the Punjab was the cradle of the Indus Valley civilisation. Then came the Aryans from Central Asia, followed, in the centuries after them, by the Scythians, the Huns, the Greeks, the Turks, the Persians and the Afghans. All of them hav
Those who read the Bible can find 250 names, titles and attributes of Jesus in it. If someone studies the Qur'an he can also find 25 names, titles and attributes of 'Isa as an Islamic echo to the gospel. One helpful way to approach Muslims is to fill the meaning of the names of Christ from the Bible
God’s People Fellowship of Pakistan, a Christian organization, urged the government of Pakistan on Thursday to recognise Israel so that Christians of the country could visit the Jewish state to perform their religious obligations.
Speaking at a news conference here, Ashraf P. Butt, general-
At the same time he emerged as the symbol of freedom and a passionate champion of the culture of life. He kissed the soil of around 129 lands that he visited, outlining the blueprint of peace to their citizens. Before Pope John Paul 11 departed for the land of bliss, the Berlin Wall cam
I always says that Christian people are foolish and mad because they believe that the Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Is Mary was the wife of God? There were many questions in my mind, which I can ask to Christian people. How a man, Jesus Christ, can save you? How you can call God the Father? G
First and foremost, we have right to breath “Islamic Oxygen” made by the “Islamic plants” of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (Though it has been “polluted” by Mullahs, yet we can use it)
We have “right” to stay alive. (Though the “right” t
This apparently routine change in the passport format drew a sharp response from the six-party religious alliance, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), which won a substantial presence in the Pakistani parliament in the October 2002 elections. "We feel that the omission of the religion column is an at
Some believe that all prophets are equally important, apart from a few minor differences (Sura 2:253; 4:150,151; 17:55). But Muhammad claimed to be the seal of all prophets (Sura 33:40), the climax and final fulfillment of all revelations (Sura 4:80; 7:158; 10:57-58; 34:28). We will examine those op
This has been the top agenda for the world during the last few years and shall remain to be so. But the change in tactics at the hands of those held responsible for disrupting peace has made it more important to realize that the world has not been able to do away with the causes of terrorism. It tak
It was lovely being surrounded by all the celebrations, but it reminded me that I was alone. So I sat at home wondering what Christmas really meant for me.
And then it suddenly dawned on me, Its all about JESUS!
Some people have argued that Jesus wasn’t even born in December, whilst othe
Will never leave nor forsake me
I am Yours to guide eternally
Father Yours inspired I am
Breathed in soul for Your true glory
Know not I your deeper TRUTH
For I humbly submit
To your servitude in adoration
Knowing full of Your divine wrath
Yet you choose to love me heal me
Latest news particularly from the subcontinent of India and Pakistan and now from some other nations disturb the peace of peaceful citizens. It is a time to reflect and ask Prince of Peace to bring in a dawn of understanding and harmony in 2005 to save the citizens of the global village

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.