One night in Iowa, at a horse auction, my daughters begged me to buy a beautiful palomino mare out of the "kill pen". At a horse auction, the "kill pen" is where the abandoned, abused horses are dropped off for quick cash. But if no one bids on the horses in this "kill pen", they are taken away to
In the economic and political field, many groups, such as that of aviation, telegraph, ocean and trade unions, have been functioning successfully for years without any major problem. In addition, there are many service clubs like the Lions and Kiwanis that are very cosmopolitan in their scope a
The Great Litany, lessons from the Holy Scriptures and hymns point to one theme - that we are sinners. The Word of God is very clear on the affect of sin on our spiritual well being. We learn that sin causes human soul to be in exile from God our Creator. "The wages of sin is death." The season
In many of these poems, the poet warns us about the horrors of war. War is destructive by nature. Moreover, it cannot solve human problems. War will not be able to solve human problems in the days to come. War can do harm but no good. Those people who believe war is for "winning glor
Today the results of that investigation have begun appearing in reputable publications. The brief quotes below, together with some of my thoughts, come from Dawn, Pakistan's largest English daily
( and an article in today's Washington Post (http://www.washin
A suggestion for 40 day Lenten devotion (or anytime through out the year). By Jeanne Swartz. Delware
This book takes you on a 40 day journey using the Bible and short daily readings for reflection about important issues of life. The basis of the book is that there is no such thing as 'self-help' to develop your personality or character or to be an effective person in the workplace, as a husband/wi
The entire focus of his strategy last week, including the meeting with Dr AQ Khan, the subsequent TV apology, the mercy petition and the pardon, was to pacify the domestic scene as Pakistanis were genuinely enraged at the treatment meted out to the scientists while the Army tried to pass on the blam
They refuse to believe in God which the Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in. This is an interesting incident; about 25 years ago a Russian visited the city of Karachi in Pakistan. When he saw the undisciplined, crowded road traffic with no accident or confusion, he uttered with amazement that
Peaceful coexistence and respect for human rights are two main areas which shape Canada's foreign as well as domestic policies. Here is a quote that indicates the thinking of the Canada's policy-makers even in 1948 when the chairman of the Canadian delegates spoke in the General Assembly at the time
He suffered, died on the Cross-and on third day He rose from the dead on the third day. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the livin
I have been reading your columns for quite sometime and have been responding to your articles very often but the Urdu Times refuses to publish them. I have noticed in your writing and attitude that you are a very anti-American person. Let me assure you Mr. Shabbir, you can be as anti-Christian as yo
I have always held women in high esteem. Women have always been an integral part of the Church from the very beginning yet priesthood is one of the field in which women have not been given any role by both the Old and New Testaments. Whether it be the ancient Biblical languages or any modern languag
It is common sense to everyone regardless of nation, religion, and culture, that sexual immorality is an unacceptable and unethical act. But sadly that which was unacceptable twenty years ago to an unbeliever is now becoming acceptable to church going Bible proclaiming so called Christians. Jesus
It was the most daring and determined terrorist attempt to kill President Mushraf. God wanted him to live, and may required by all the moderate, liberal and peace loving people of Pakistan irrespective of their faith, race and creed. The suicide car attacks were so perfectly masterminded that the Pr
May, in the New Year, the majority communities of South Asia be fairer to the minorities!
May public officials be less corrupt and the rich and powerful be less greedy, this year. May protection of police and courts be more accessible to everyone, and may people not resort to violence to settle th
On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.