

All those people and countries who face hunger will do anything to feed themselves -- they may beg, borrow or steal. This state of affairs will give rise to formation of terrorist groups, to armament and proliferation of nuclear weapons. To advise such nations to refrain from buying nuclear technolo


Standing upright against Terrorism. By Aftab A. Christopher

Not only Christians and their institutions but also Westerns and Muslim Mosques are under attack here. The anti-US elements put in the same lot every body who sides with the international coalition against terrorism. This is the cost we are paying as a nation for fighting against international terro


ON BEHALF OF AMERICA. By Rt. Rev. Bishop T. Nasir.

On 13th December 2001, Indian played a drama of so-called "terrorist attack" on its parliament and moved its armed forces on Western borders of Pakistan. Pakistan had to take up defensive position on international borders thus paving way for "terrorists" to infiltrate in to Pakistan from Afghanistan



This unrest is universal because the castle of modern education is built on the ground of nationalism, open to the wild winds of competition in every direction that adversely affect human relationships with neighbours, with other provinces and with other countries. Present day education prepares stu


Call to the Abrahamic community of faith to work together for peace and reconciliation. By Rev. Canon Patrick P. Augustine, USA

In 1940, the whole world watched Britain during the Second World War. Could they stand up to the dark forces of violence and intolerance of Hitler then at her throat? In 2002, the world watches Pakistan. Can Pakistan stand up to the dark forces of violence and intolerance that threaten to subvert


Shanti Nagar, Militant terror, 2nd episode in moment to moment.<br>By Dr. Stephen Gill. Canada.

Whatever they came to know about Khanewal and Shanti Nagar was vague. The time when the office came to know something positive was at seven in the evening when a person from Shanti Nagar was able to rush to a factory outside the village to request the Commission of Justice and Peace for help.


Shanti Nagar, momemt to moment on First Terror Episode against Christians.<br>Dr. Stephen Gill. Canada.

The attacks on Shanti Nagar, Khanewal and on the surrounding areas on the 5th and the 6th of February of 1997 were the direct consequences of these blasphemy laws and the separate electorate system. The destruction that was caused in Shanti Nagar by these wrong laws reminds one the destruction cause


Jihad, Terrorism & Eunicks<br>By Mr. Asif. UK

Like most of you, I also read the horrific and sickening news of attacks on Pakistani Christians by some coward terrorists, who had chosen Christian schools and hospitals as their targets in Pakistan. They obviously didn't have the courage to face the pangs of real Jihad in Afghanistan, and therefor



However, the demand for the stronger laws in favour of 95% population of Muslims was there from the beginning of the formation of Pakistan. This process began soon after the death of Jinnah in 1948, and was speeded up by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who nationalized Christian schools, colleges and hospitals


"Denationalization of Christian educational institutions in Pakistan"<br>By Professor Salamat Akhtar

Mr. A Bhutto a leader of the first group adopted a genocidal policy towards the Christians of Pakistan. He butchered the Christians in Rawalpindi near Punjab house on Aug 30,1972, captured by force hundreds of Christian school and colleges, confiscated church property worth billions and got registe


Will Musharraf swap places?<br>Dr. Tahir ul Quadri. PAT chief.

Since January, when National Reconstruction Bureau chief Tanvir Naqvi announced an increase in the number of seats for the assemblies and the seats for technocrats and women and other rules for elections, including the graduation condition, the nation was eagerly waiting for the proposed amendment


State silence on abuse of blasphemy laws<br>By Robin Fernandez

Perhaps in no place is that More apparent than in Pakistan where the majority of Muslims do recognize the need to protect Christians and other religious minorities from discriminatory Laws. But the government is paralyzed by fear of what it has identified as far-right extremists. A small illustratio


Extremism: Causes and Cures<br>By Dr Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri

The following reasons cause the unrealistic portrayal of Islam. Firstly, the western world backed by the zionist lobby, spearheaded by the western media, has triggered off a propaganda campaign against Islam. This lobby, though ready to accept Islam as a traditional religion, does not want to see it


A Tale of Broken Promises<br>BY JAWED IQBAL

Parties who have been supporting the government by hook and crook over the past 3 years have openly distanced ! themselves from the government. Parties such as PAT who were seen as strong allies of Musharaf have seem to be more critical of the government than the official opposition. Dr Qadri speci


The Kashmir election, last chance for APHC. By HAMID BASHANI.Toronto. Canada.

Participation in this election means to Jeopardize the struggle for the right to self-determination and to be the integral part of the Legal and constitutional structure of the Indian Union. Although some senior leaders time after time have contested the election and remained the members of the Kash

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com