Your honour, your package to improve human rights situation in Pakistan is no doubt admirable. However, among the present laws, the separate electorate system is also the one that clearly violates human rights. Since the introduction of the separate electorate system, the parliamentarians of religio
A report published in 1996 by Jonathan Silver.
IN 1992 Pakistani carpet exports fell for the first time in two decades. The fall was slight in absolute terms--no more than three or four percentage points--but it indicated that Western consumers were shying away from luxury goods made by Thir
They were alarmed when their van was stopped by an armed masked group of males. They ordered them to get down and the Christian girls were separated from the Muslim ones. The only male Christian factory worker with them was tied to a tree. The Christian girls must have been frozen with fear at this
The problem started when a Muslim opened a private school not far from him. Unable to face healthy competition, he used unhealthy means to close down the school of Pervez Masih. He falsely accused Pervez Masih of disgracing the prophet Mohammed. He was able to stage this tragedy of jealousy and fal
At that time the Soviet Union was occupying Afghanistan, and the United States was supporting the Afghan resistance; Hekmatyar, though he was one of the most stridently anti-Western of the resistance leaders, was receiving roughly half the arms that the CIA was supplying. The sheikh had first met He
By Dr. Stephen Gill (Canada)
Around the city after blackening his face; another time, he carried a coffin with him. He is known for crucifying himself on the cross, and calling a press conferences while bleeding from his head. He is also known for walking barefoot to attend sessions of the
In 1927 amendments were made to this formulation and Section 295- A was added. According to this, punishment could be doled out to those who had the "deliberate and malicious intention of outraging" the religious sentiments of any class of citizens, by words written or spoken, or by visible signs. T
It is a glaring fact that The Local Bodies Elections play a vital role in the development of democratic and human values in a democratic state. These institutions have double importance. They are the Centers of Leadership training and at the same time they enable the elected members to solve various
I am writing it with very sad that after highly and unforgetable secrifies Of old missionaries the future of Christianity is not bright here. Specially in Remote areas. It has various reasons. There detail you can see as under.
1-Lack of Education
It is an established realty that no nation Can sta
Regarding the brave participation and support in Pakistan movement by the Christians of sub continent of India and by the elected leaders through separate electorate under 1935 act of India of unionist party on costing favorable vote in roundtable conference and Boundry commission. The separate elec
The leadership of Bughti is the soul
and spirit of JWP and its role in political system of Pakistan is so vital and
effective the no movement in restoration of democracy is complete in Pakistan.
Its based in Quetta the Provincial headquarters of Balouchistan. Balouchistan
being smaller in popu

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.