
Hezbollah Going To be a Tough Opponent for Tel Aviv. By Manish Rai

In the past few weeks thousands of rockets fired by Hezbollah at northern areas of Israel have resulted in considerable damage to civilian properties and military sites. This heavy rocket and UAV barrage from Hezbollah has forced around 80,000 residents to abandon their homes and move to safer lo


Another feather in the cap of treatment as HIV prevention. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

Results of a phase 3 PURPOSE 1 HIV prevention study done among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa and Uganda show that there were no HIV infections in HIV-negative women who received 6 monthly (twice yearly) injectable investigational drug Lenacapavir - an injectable form of PrEP (p


If the Dalai Lama wants control only over civilian element of the State in Greater-Tibet. By Hem Raj Jain

India should know the divide & confusion - [Tibetans want only more autonomy whereas US-Congress delegation is interested in  “Independent Tibet”].   (ii)- The USA, China and India should also not oppose  rather be happy over such “non-viol


Before signing bipartisan-Tibet-Bill, PrezBiden ought to know it is merely a token exercise. By Hem Raj Jain

 Tibet Bill is classic example of “Muddai Sust Gavah Chust” (Petitioner is lazy / disinterested but witnesses are serious / alert / interested) (2)- Prez Biden before signing Tibet Bill should demand (i)-  proofs of Tibetan’s  STRUGGLE for freedom and se


Are we on track to end AIDS, end viral hepatitis and end STIs by 2030? By SHOBHA SHUKLA

Well, it seems to be a mixed bag of gains and losses. While there are reasons to celebrate, significant gaps remain to be plugged. The latest Global Health Sector Strategies Report of the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that while there has been a substantial increase in expanding service a


From the frontlines: Homeless person won over alcoholism, survived floods and defeated TB. By SHOBHA SHUKLA, BOBBY RAMAKANT

After suffering debilitating TB symptoms for over a year, a homeless person got lifesaving help from a community health worker. Thanks to her, he was eventually diagnosed with TB of the lungs and put on treatment, quit alcohol, and survived one of the worst Delhi floods during his treatment, and


If US arms left in Afghanistan are REALLY with about 10,000 terrorists sitting in launch-pads in POJK and some (M-4) were used in terrorist attack at Reasi in J&K: By Hem Raj Jain

If US arms left in Afghanistan are REALLY with about 10,000 terrorists sitting at launch-pads in POJK and some (M-4) were used in terrorist attack at Reasi in J&K then India should immediately take PoJK militarily to carryout plebiscite in it as mandated by IoA and to recover these US-Arms (i


Egypt: The Lies that converted the monarchy into military authoritarianism. By Dr. Ashraf Ramelah

We are now in an era of discovery where our history lessons have been proven false, and our true history is the reverse of what we have been taught. Determined researchers around the world are setting the record straight for all humanity. Lies are rooted out and fabrications debunked. Much of wha


Right diagnostic test and right treatment at the right time can prevent antimicrobial resistance. By BOBBY RAMAKANT

New guidelines were launched in India's capital Delhi to help healthcare personnel rightly diagnose and treat people in a timely manner. Failure to do so is fuelling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Early and accurate diagnosis and treatment (without any delay), with medicines that work on a p


To win the war Prez Zelensky should request US-Christianity to question the discriminatory & irresponsible US-establishment. By Hem Raj Jain

What the US-establishment is doing to Ukrainians can be understood but the apathy of Zelensky towards the suffering of Ukrainians is unfathomable & condemnable (ii)- Prez Zelensky should try to make it an issue in 2024 US- General election in which the incumbents of the White House and US-con


Higher voter turnout rejection of Modi’s policies in Kashmir. By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General of World Kashmir Awareness Forum

While the hullabaloo over Parliamentary elections in Indian occupied Kashmir has been on the verge of being a circus, with all the elephants of election sloganeering on parade, like, Prime Minister Modi’s tweet, “The abrogation of Article 370 has enabled the aspirations of the people


Pakistan Should Realise That Taliban is Out of its Orbit. By Manish Rai

 Recently again Taliban fighters and Pakistani Army fought each other on Durand Line. The clashes erupted on May 13 after the Pakistani side began repairing the barbed-wire fence it first erected in 2017 to demarcate the Durand Line border. This de-facto border which no government in Afghani


Protect the medicines that protect us. By SHOBHA SHUKLA

Protect the medicines that protect us and ensure that all those who need them can access them, so said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of The World Health Organization (WHO), at the Strategic Roundtable on "Charting a new path forward for global action against antimicrobi


Indonesia is enforcing stronger anti-tobacco measures despite industry interference. By SHOBHA SHUKLA, BOBBY RAMAKANT

There is plenty of scientific evidence to show that tobacco kills one out of every two of its users (as per the WHO). Tobacco use devastates lives and fractures families killing over 8 million people every year – year after year. While governments are enforcing stronger evidence-based tobac


The USA should rightly commit itself for the Taiwan war but only after deciding to simultaneously succeed in the Ukraine war. By Hem Raj Jain

It will be a matter of shame for the US politicians & Diplomats, for the Intellectuals in US Universities and in their colleges and in the US-think tanks, if they fail to accept the challenge thrown by China about providing a working model for the rule based global order (may be of NRBPEGO) l

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com