Send Concern letter to Prime Minister of Italia: On EHRC Ruling on Crucifixes

Organization of Islamic Conference OIC brings Global Blasphemy law via UNHRC resolution “Defamation of Religion Islam” while European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled last week that the presence of crucifixes violated a child's right to freedom of religion: Pakistan Christian Congress PCC appeals PCP readers to send letters to Italian Prime Minister to challenge Crucifixes ruling and to Secretary General of UNO to express your concern on Global Blasphemy resolution. Find copy of letter to Italian PM in Special Features of PCP: Nazir Bhatti


Mr.Silvio Berlusconi,
The Prime Minister of Italy

Your Excellency,
The news and protest pasted below on BBC website is extremely disturbing anti-Christian and is discriminatory to our Christian brothers and sisters in Italy. The news also hurts religious sentiments of more than two billion Christians all over the globe. It is discriminatory as it, restrict Christian individuals from their fundamental rights to display The Holy Crucifix on their individual bodies or at the places of their choices.
"The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled last week that the presence of crucifixes violated a child's right to freedom of religion" Quote.This ruling violates Human Rights of a child or any individual who has unquestioning confidence and elegance in Christian Faith. Its a Fundamental Rights of any individual or group to practice his/her faith according to his/her free will and with full liberty without any obstruction from any quarter.A majority Christian population has its irrefutable Rights in display of The Holy Crucifix at any place of his/her choice in Italy.Unquote.
I appeal to your excellency, on behalf of all the Christian fraternity of the world to refute The Ruling of The European Court, without any further loss of time, with a mandate that such rulings from any individual or section of people may not be entertained by The Honorable Court of Justice in the future to. As such rulings are biased, concocted and fabricated against majority Christians.May Justice prevail.
May God bless you abundantly.
(You can Type your Name and Address)

BBC News: The Greek Orthodox Church is urging Christians across Europe to unite in an appeal against a ban on crucifixes in classrooms in Italy.

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled last week that the presence of crucifixes violated a child's right to freedom of religion.
Greece's Orthodox Church fears the Italian case will set a precedent.
It has called an emergency Holy Synod meeting for next week to devise an action plan.
Although the Greek Orthodox Church has been at odds with Roman Catholicism for 1,000 years, the judicial threat to Christian symbols has acted as a unifying force.
The European Court of Human Rights found that the compulsory display of crucifixes violated parents' rights to educate their children as they saw fit and restricted the right of children to believe or not to believe.
'Worthy symbols'
The head of the Greek Church, Archbishop Ieronymos, shares Catholic complaints that the court is ignoring the role of Christianity in forming Europe's identity.
It is not only minorities that have rights but majorities as well, said the archbishop.
One of his subordinates, Bishop Nicholas from central Greece, lamented that at this rate youngsters will not have any worthy symbols at all to inspire and protect them.
The mayor of one Italian town displayed a 2m high crucifix in protest Football and pop idols are very poor substitutes, he said.
The Greek Church has ostensibly intervened in this case in response to an appeal by a Greek mother whose son is studying in Italy.
But without doubt it is concerned that its omnipotence in Greece is under threat.
A human rights group called Helsinki Monitor is seeking to use the Italian case as a precedent.
It has demanded that Greek courts remove icons of Jesus Christ from above the judge's bench and that the gospel no longer be used for swearing oaths in the witness box.
Helsinki Monitor is urging trade unions to challenge the presence of religious symbols in Greek schools.
The socialist government here is also considering imposing new taxes on the Church's vast fortune, but at the same time is urging it to do more to help immigrants and poor Greeks.

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