
Mishap of Brenton Cary Hostel, Background View

I am administrator of Brenton Carey Girls Hostel for almost 5 year now. Since one year Rev. Sadiq Daniel (so-called bishop) was trying to kick me out but my management committee never agreed because they were satisfied with my work.

In the month of March Rev. Sadiq Daniel spread out two dirty


The Impact of Shari'ah Laws on Minorities in Pakistan. By Naeem Shakir Advocate

What havoc has been and is being wrought by forces of retrogression, vested interest, fundamentalists, obscurants and religious extremists in the name of Islam in the recent past has perhaps not been much known to those who are not victim of such oppression. The much-trumpeted 'war on terror' in the


Mujib or Zia? The Distortion of History in Bangladesh. Taj Hashmi, York University, Canada

Since history is always subject to distortion, there is hardly anything surprising about what the BNP-led government has done with the documents of the Liberation War of Bangladesh. It has revised sections of the fifteen-volume official history of the Freedom Movement (which is not free from distort


Tremendous Work of DR. Immam-Din- Shabaz. By Daniel Khokhar. Sargodha

Immam Din shabaz was born in Zafarwal, Sialkot district, in eastern Punjab, in 1845.His whole family was Muslim and very orthodox in Islamic religious traditions. They belonged to Shia Muslim sect, who are followers of legacy of their early Muslim forefathers but he accepted JESUS CHRIST, as his sav


What Happens When A Christian Dies?? By Bill Diehl

To the Bible Discussion Group:

Our discussion this time is again dealing with the "Blessed Hope" of the believer in Christ: the resurrection of the dead and the second coming of Christ. One of the members of our discussion group wrote and asked what is the meaning of the term "first-fruits" in


Report of Italian Study Trip 17 Nov. to 22 Dec. 2002. By S Michael.

By Grace of God I got another opportunity to go to Italy. I went there in the city of San Giovanni Arezzo a small city of Toscana to attend the Italian Language Course of 80 hours. This trip was actually became possible due to the scholarship of the school for the foreigners called Sillabo in San Gi


Sabir Michael Reports on his Educational and Academic Trip to UK of April 2002

1. To participate in a conference on Religious Freedom organized by International Interfaith Center.

2. To visit organizations that is working for Minority's Rights and their development.

3. To do research work of M.Phil/Ph.D. in different libraries in UK.

4. To have an opportunity to ha


Report of Educational and Academic Trip of United Kingdom (UK) 4th July to 17th July 2002

I was able to see some charities (NGOs) in UK working in the different fields of social development, which are working on minority rights, family planning and youth development. First of all I met with London based organization working for the facilitation to the Pakistani Christian community in ter


Bishop John Joseph Was Killed by government agencies or Muslim militant groups.

The anniversary of Bishop john Joseph is again on head but still his killers are at large. The true followers of Bishop Joseph are still waiting that culprits shall be brought to justice and duly punished under law. The eyes of those true Christians are on that social and political leadership came i

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com