
Beyond optimism or pessimism: the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. By Hussein Ibish

While the build up to the renewed Israeli-Palestinian negotiations – the first direct talks in almost ten years to be brokered by the United States – was largely greeted with an excess of pessimism on the part of many observers, the fact that they have been resumed is, on its own, something of an ac


Haqqani network defies North Waziristan drone attacks. By Robert Terpstra

Jalaluddin Haqqani has become one of the most feared ‘pawns’ in the chess game occurring along the Pak-Afghan border. In effect, Haqqani moves more like a bishop in employing a seasoned offensive strategy that he has perfected during the course of the last 30 years. Calculated. Defined. Never in the


Insensitive idea. By Mehwish Rashid

Although our President Obama says that having as many Muslims to build a Mosque in America is just like allowing other nations and practicing religions to have the freedom to worship. Question is what’s the rationale behind this? Why does a religion that empowers jihad, martyrdom, and suicide bomber


Qur’ans for peace: what one person can do. By Rev. Wayne Lavender

I am a man of faith. I have been a Christian pastor for 25 years in the United Methodist Church. It is out of this deep commitment to the principles of my faith that I felt I needed to do something – anything – in response to the potential hate crime that was going to be perpetrated by a church, the


Eid ul-Fitr and 11 September. By Anisa Mehdi

Every year Eid ul-Fitr, the celebration marking the end of Ramadan, happens on a different day, approximately 11 days earlier than the year before. This year, it arrived last Thursday in some parts of the world, but most of us celebrated on Friday, depending on which night the new moon was sighted b


Hey, America: I’m a Muslim, let’s talk. By Mona Eltahawy

I have developed an overwhelming urge to tell everyone I meet I’m a Muslim.
As a Muslim woman who doesn’t wear a headscarf, I’m often mistaken for a Latina and other ethnicities that my features match. But as anti-Muslim sentiment has risen across the United States, so has my urge to say: “Hey Amer


Literary Merits of Panchtantra. By Anuradha Sharma

Panchtantra is a literary work per excellence. It has the framework that encompasses fable narrative to prove its premise. It is an art of narrative fiction which leaves its mark even on the literary styles of contemporary writers as on Gautam Bhattia’s Panchtantra: A Twenty First Century Parable.


Kashmir: Struggling for Peace. By Mushtaq A. Jeelani

As Muslims all across the globe are celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, the people of Kashmir are under siege. The Indian occupation forces have imposed round-the-clock curfews and severe restrictions on civilians’ movement; as a result they are unable to even pray in mosques or to have access to


The Saga of Communal Speeches and Provocation by ‘the Powerful’ By Fr. Anand Muttungal

The Indian saga of communal clashes and provocative speeches by people vested with power; dates back to first assault on Buddhists by King Pusyamitra Sunga in 180 BCE. He declared hundred dinara,(Money of that time), for those brings the head of a Buddhist monk. It is also believed that Muslim and C


Swiss politics in the United States. By Ariel Kastner

Here is a story that may sound familiar: a leader of a Muslim community tried to build a mosque with the support of his mayor, but his request drew national protests and was denied. This story occurred in Switzerland several years ago, but because it played out during national elections there, it of


Interfaith dialogue for a globalised world. By Tareq Oubrou

In these times, it is essential to engage in interfaith and intercultural dialogue, given the way our world is evolving. With post-modern globalisation there has been a decline in the belief in the philosophy of progress: the secular theory of salvation no longer has the answers to existential conce


Greece, Turkey and basketball diplomacy from below. By Leonidas Oikonomakis

At the time these lines are being written, a very important basketball event is taking place in Turkey: the 2010 World Championship held by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA). As a basketball fan, I will risk making a prediction: this year there will be two winners, Greece and Turkey.


People with diabetes up to 2-3 times higher risk of TB. By Bobby Ramakant

People with diabetes are at a high risk of tuberculosis (TB). "There are several studies that have been done, there are systematic reviews that have been done which indicates that people with diabetes might have 2 to 3 times higher risk of getting TB" said Dr Anil Kapur, President of the World Diabe


WDF addressing diabetes among children of developing nations. Bobby Ramakant

Recognizing the compelling need to improve prevention, treatment, care and support services for children with diabetes, the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) has scaled up initiatives to address both types of diabetes among children: type-I and type-II, said Dr Anil Kapur, President of WDF, who spoke


Pakistani Christians more active than you think. By Haroon Nasir

Where do you think Muslims and Christians celebrate Christ's birth together? One of the answers is: where it is least expected, in Pakistan.
In December last year, the Gulshan Centre for the Study of Islam and Christianity in Mansehra partnered with a local madrasah (an Islamic religious school) t

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com