In addition, the animal has destroyed the dreams of the children, parents and brothers and sisters of the victims. It is not easy to imagine the extent of despair of those children who waited for the return of their mothers and fathers to play in the evening on that fateful day. How those parents mu
On national and international forums such claims are made by the government that minorities enjoy religious freedom and equal basic democratic rights duly protected under constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan but situation is entirely opposite to such announcements. The Bahawalpur Church carn
On Oct. 8 and again on Oct. 12, Pakistani border guards at a dusty checkpoint in the Khyber Pass waved on convoys headed into Afghanistan. Western intelligence officials said that under the trucks' tarpaulins were rifles, ammunition and rocket-propelled grenade launchers for Taliban fighters. Pakis
In old testament in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6 says that " sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hand be idle, for you
don't know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will equally well."
Though I was writing about christian persecution
It's the God who created each and every thing, so the creator God of bible is the God of angles,heavenly armies, sun , moon, shinning stars, oceans, snow,clouds, lighting and hail, mountains,trees, flowers,fruits, all animals, men, women, kings, prince, princes, rulers even every thing is in His con
The special concern I would like to share is that I haven't read any article of condemnation from any of the mainstream Urdu columnists, who are regularly writing on page 4 of Daily Jang. I have always regarded these columnists as intellectuals and experienced journalists of my country. They are sup
Religious freedom is "subject to law, public order, and morality;" accordingly, actions or speech deemed derogatory to Islam or to its Prophet, for example, are not protected. In addition, the suspended Constitution requires that laws be consistent with Islam and imposes some elements of Koranic law
With automatic assault rifles and bags of ammunition in hand, for several minutes the cowardly men sprayed gunfire across the congregation of fifty or sixty believers, killing the pastor, four children, four women, and six men. Shamoon Masih, a congregant who was twice shot but still helped the woun
Pakistan was built on the foundation of fear, including the fear of the exploitation of the minorities by the majority. Fear did not disappear within the territory of the new Muslim country. Quite the contrary, it kept emerging rather more violently.
The rulers of Pakistan kept broadening the lis
The lack of any central Islamic authority makes it hard to attempt any absolute answer like this. In fact, there are countless conflicting authorities and no Vatican we can turn to for the final word. We're forced to rely on the claims of Islam's practitioners, the claims of their critics, and the p
We the people of Pakistan were shocked to know about the "Terrorist Attack" on World Trade Center in New York and Pentagon building at Washington D.C. The entire Pakistani nation condemned these barbaric attacks that resulted in loss of innocent lives and property. The entire Pakistani nation was st
But struggle against whom? War against what?''There lies the question,'' said Anis Ahmad, dean of social sciences at Islamabad's International Islamic University and a leading religious scholar. ''Probably no other Islamic idea is both so widely misunderstood in the Western world and so regularly ab
The religious parties which run these institutions are behind most of the acts of terror against Christians in Pakistan." Bishop John Joseph also brought this fact to the attention of the West through his talks, writings and in every possible means. His efforts, including his suicide, were not able
This is the case for example of the Minister for Internal Affairs, Lal Kishan Advani, a member of the Nationalist Hindu Party Bharatiya Janata Party (Bjp), which is not foreign to instigating violence against Muslims. The involvement of the Bjp in campaigns of ethnic and religious intolerance has be
I want to believe you.
For the sake of the thousands of people who were killed on September 11, as well as the tens of thousands who grieve and mourn for them, I want to believe you. I want to believe that you would not kill innocent people just to hurt our country\'s economy or government. I want

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.