
Violence against women is not a tenet of Islam. By Naazish YarKhan

Listening to the radio one day, I was shocked to hear the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) report on widespread occurrence of rape in Afghanistan. As a Muslim who knows that the core of her religion is about justice and mercy, I asked myself how the perpetrators of these a


Teaching faith in America's schools. By Dilara Hafiz

The challenge of providing basic religious knowledge as part of the American school curriculum needs to be met with a bold, new approach. The separation of church and state has left teachers and administrators loathe to broach the subject of religion in the classroom. However, it is essential to beg


Is the Swiss ban an opportunity? By Richard Chartres and Ali Gomaa

The recent vote in Switzerland banning the construction of new minarets casts an unnecessary shadow on the remarkable history of tolerance, hospitality and integration that is the true story of Switzerland. It is important to remember, however, that this vote in no way changes the fundamental affirm


Of bells and minarets. By René Guitton

When Jerusalem was conquered in 635 AD, the second caliph Omar Ibn Al-Kattab refused to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, despite an invitation from the Christian patriarch Sophronius, for fear that his men invoke the precedent to turn the place of worship into a mosque and thus deprive the


Christmas feelings - feelings of love within created by happiness and Christmas feelings created first in others: By Ghazal Bhatti

Christmas feelings - feelings of special blessings received from God - feelings of higher happiness felt within ...millions enjoy Christmas feelings NOW these days, millions even enjoy the very same true Christmas feelings all year long, day after day and Billions are too busy in filing lawsuits, pu


Why Christians have not Equal Rights in Pakistan? By Javed Iqbal

All Pakistani Christians are raising their voices with unity for one goal: that they should have equal rights in Pakistan, except egotistical members into them. Today no one can deny that the Pakistani Christians are not enjoying equal rights according to the constitution of Pakistan. In spite of th


Christians of Egypt, also known as Copts, have been living under discrimination, oppression and persecution for almost 1430 years. By Dottore Architetto Ashraf Ramelah

The world is now beginning to hear and know about Copts and their problems, thanks to the immigration opportunity from Egypt to civilized Western countries initiated a half century ago, but moreover, thanks to technological advances in communications.
In spite of today's new era of communication an


Eucharist and The Workers. By CAJETAN PETER D'SOUZA

The churches contribution to workers goes way behind the year 1891, when Pope Leo XIII released the first encyclical of the Catholic Church, Rerum Novarum, when he made us aware of the rights and dignity of labour. Rerum Novarum focused on the workers contribution to the Catholic Church. Thus the Eu


When East meets West through music. By Mehra Rimer

At a time when Switzerland’s ban on constructing minarets is making headlines, the musicians of the Rumi Ensemble are showing that cultures can converge into something beautiful.
On Thursday, 8 October, a decommissioned hydroelectric plant on the Swiss banks of the Rhone, now converted into a cult


European identity politics in play. By Ariel Kastner

With almost 58 per cent of Swiss voters recently delivering an electoral surprise by casting ballots in favour of a referendum to ban construction of minarets in their country, it remains to be seen whether the result of the referendum will be good for Switzerland, or even for Europe as a whole.


Is the Qur’an hostile to Jews and Christians? By Leena El-Ali

When violence is committed in the name of Islam, the perpetrators often say that Muslims were never meant to enjoy good relations with followers of other religions, specifically Jews and Christians. They invariably quote verses from the Qur’an which they argue prove that Jews and Christians are inhe


Hard talk on association between public health advocates and pharmaceutical companies: By Bobby Ramakant

Is it ethical for public health advocates to accept funding from pharmaceutical companies, or organizations directly/ indirectly affiliated to them? Should all direct/indirect engagement with Pharmaceutical companies should be declared openly and publicly? The delegates at the 40th Union World Confe


Implementation of right to health of indigenous peoples essential to Stop TB: By Bobby Ramakant,

"Basic human rights as enjoyed by others have not benefitted indigenous peoples. Therefore the respect and recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples is critical to our dignity and survival. In particular, implementation of our right to health is essential if we are to stop TB" said Wilton Litt


Nothing Wrong To Recognize Israel. By T.H Shah

Israel flag first time waved in the meeting of International Renewable Energy Agency held at UAE which shows designation of equal status to Israel by Arab countries and also its implicit recognition by large Muslim countries of the world. It is to be noted that on official level, no diplomatic relat


HAS PAKISTAN COME? (Pakistan’s Journey from a Nation to a Nation-State):By Samson Sharaf

Colonel Jaffery narrating the migrations of 1947 writes, “A mutilated old man reached Pakistan on a train and asked him, has Pakistan come? When told it had, he closed his eyes and died’. His destination: The Dreamland of Pakistan.
In an emotional and controversial address to his constituency, th

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"Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" By Nazir S Bhatti

On demand of our readers, I have decided to release E-Book version of "Trial of Pakistani Christian Nation" on website of PCP which can also be viewed on website of Pakistan Christian Congress www.pakistanchristiancongress.org . You can read chapter wise by clicking tab on left handside of PDF format of E-Book.

nazirbhattipcc@aol.com , pakistanchristianpost@yahoo.com